
(C. Jardin) #1

56 V.V. de Melo and W. Banzhaf

original dataset and test them using well-known classifiers. It was found that KP
was better than all other approaches, while requiring a fraction of the feature sets
generated in other work. KP was not only more accurate, but also much faster.
As future work, a deeper sensitivity analysis will be necessary to verify KP’s
behavior on distinct configurations in order to be able to differentiate poor from
good configurations.

AcknowledgementsThis paper was supported by the Brazilian Government CNPq (Universal)
grant (486950/2013-1) and CAPES (Science without Borders) grant (12180-13-0) to Vinícius
Veloso de Melo, and Canada’s NSERC Discovery grant RGPIN 283304-2012 to Wolfgang


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