Biology today

(singke) #1

  1. Energy required for aTP synthesis in Z-scheme comes

(a) electron gradient (b) oxidation of glucose
(c) reduction of glucose (d) proton gradient.

  1. Which of the following is a incorrect statement?

(a) The correct sequence of electron flow in light
reaction, at optimum light intensity and temperature,
is PS-II, Phe, PQ, cytochrome complex, Pc, PS-I, Fd.
(b) Dark reactions in photosynthesis are called, so,
because they do not directly depend on light energy.
(c) chemosynthetic bacteria derive their required energy
from infra red radiations.
(d) mg++, Fe+++ and light are must for synthesis of

  1. During light reaction of photosynthesis the following
    compounds are formed
    (a) aTP, hydrogen donor and O 2
    (b) aTP and sugar
    (c) aTP, hydrogen and O 2 donor
    (d) O 2 , hydrogen and sucrose.

  2. Which of the following enzyme is not involved in
    photosynthesis of c 3 plant?
    (a) PEPcase (b) ruBiscO
    (c) NaDP reductase (d) aTP synthase

  3. Which of the following is a false statement.

(a) Photosynthetic quotient is always one in case of
green plants.
(b) Plant attain light compensation point twice in a day.
(c) If a plant is maintained at cO 2 compensation point
for long time, it survives but, does not grow.
(d) Decreased rate of photosynthesis at high light
intensity is solarisation.

  1. Which of the following is a correct match?
    (a) Dark reaction – stroma of chloroplast at night
    (b) PS-II – marginal region of grana
    (c) Krebs’ cycle – matrix of plastid
    (d) ETc – Embedded in inner membrane of power house
    of the cell

  2. Which of the following is a false statement?
    (a) Leaf of Zea mays shows dimorphism of chloroplast.
    (b) To produce one glucose molecule 6 turns of calvin
    cycle are required.
    (c) During one turn of PcO, 2aTP are consumed.
    (d) at high temperature and high O 2 concentration
    ruBiscO act as oxygenase and decreases net
    photosynthesis in c 3 plant.
    14. Which of the following, according to Peter mitchell, is/
    are cause/s of development of proton gradient across
    the thylakoid membrane?
    (a) reduction of NaDP+ on outer surface of thylakoids
    in stroma.
    (b) Shifting of h+ into lumen of thylakoid by functioning
    of Z-scheme.
    (c) Photolysis of water taking place on inner surface of
    thylakoid membrane.
    (d) all of the above
    15. Which of the following plant shows high rate of
    photosynthesis in carbon dioxide rich environment i.e.,

    360 ppm, in temperate area within a green house?
    (a) Sugarcane (b) Sorghum
    (c) Bell pepper (d) Both (a) and (b)
    16. moll’s half leaf experiment proves cO 2 is must for
    photosynthesis. Which of the following chemical has
    been used to make environment around part of leaf cO 2
    (a) KI (b) NaOh (c) Pma (d) KOh
    17. 1 st acceptor cO 2 and 1st stable product of calvin cycle
    (a) 5 c, ketosugar ruBP and 3c, PGa
    (b) 5 c, aldosugar ruBP and 3c, PGa
    (c) 3 c, PEP and 4 c, Oaa
    (d) 3 c, PEP and 4 c, malate.
    18. chlorophyll-a differs from chlorophyll-b by which of the
    following feature/s?
    (a) 3-c carries-chO group
    (b) Being a primary photosynthetic pigment
    (c) Found in some photosynthetic eukaryotes only
    (d) all of these
    19. Which of the following is a contribution of Jan Ingenhousz
    w.r.t. photosynthesis?
    (a) O 2 is released during photosynthesis, while working
    on Cladophora and aerobic bacteria.
    (b) Green parts of aquatic plant release O 2 in presence
    of light, so, light is must for photosynthesis.
    (c) Plant produce storage product of photosynthesis as
    (d) Suggested that during photosynthesis O 2 should
    come from water.
    20. Lhc as PS-II has which of the following as reaction
    (a) P 700 (b) P 890
    (c) P 680 (d) any of these

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