Biology today

(singke) #1
(n) World’s Summit on Sustainable Development held in
year 2002 in South africa.
(a) 3 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) None of these

  1. IUcN red List 2004 documents extinction of how many
    species in last 500 years?
    (a) 1550 (b) 486 (c) 847 (d) 784

  2. reserpine derived from Rauvolfia vomitoria used to
    control hypertension is derived from
    (a) immature seeds (b) bark of stem
    (c) roots (d) dried leaves and bark.

  3. ‘World Biodiversity Day’ is celebrated annually on
    (a) 5 th June (b) 16 th September
    (c) 22 nd may (d) 29 th December.

  4. Which of the following are wrong statements, except?
    (a) Biosphere reserves developed in India under the
    maB programme of UNEScO are “area maintained
    by government for the betterment of wildlife” only.
    (b) “rivet popper hypothesis” was proposed by Paul
    Ehrlich which indicates removal of “keystone
    species” will destablise the ecosystem drastically.
    (c) most important cause of extinction of species is
    “human greed over its need”where certain animals
    have been over exploited.
    (d) Introduction of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria leads to
    extinction of Flemingo in few years.

  5. Given below are pie diagrams I, II and III related to
    the proportionate number of species of major taxa
    of invertebrates, vertebrates and plants respectively.
    critically study and fill in the blanks a, B, c and D.

II. Vertebrates





Other animal groups



I. Invertebrates

Mosses Ferns and allies

III. Plants


(a) a-molluscs, B-amphibians, c-angiosperms, D-Gym-
(b) a-molluscs, B-amphibians, c-Fungi, D-angiosperms
(c) a-Turtles, B-amphibians, c-Fungi, D-angiosperms
(d) a-hexapoda, B-amphibians, c-Fungi, D-angiosperms

  1. Tropical rain forests, example ‘amazon forest’ popularly
    called “lungs of planet earth”, occupy how much land
    of earth?
    (a) about 14% (b) about 20%
    (c) about 6% (d) < 2%

  2. Which of the following are true statements, except?
    (a) Photoperiodism was discovered in a variety of
    tobacco plant.
    (b) Endosperm digestion test is a bioassay for G.a.
    (c) Kinetin a synthetic ck chemically N 6 furfuryl amino
    purine a derivative of adenine.
    (d) Wheat is a LDP and cotton SDP.

  3. rapid internodal elongation, in deep water rice plant, is
    promoted by
    (a) ethylene (b) Ga
    (c) cytokinin (d) either (b) or (c).

  4. Which of the following is a true statement?
    (a) Shoot initiation in callus is promoted by higher
    auxin/cytokinin ratio.
    (b) aBa is antagonistic of c 2 h 4.
    (c) Spray of Ga can extend marketing period of some
    fruit crops by delaying senescence.
    (d) auxin was isolated by F W Went in agar block from
    tip of coleoptiles of Phalaris.

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every month to win exciting prizes. Winners’ names from October issue
onwards will be declared on 1st of every month on

  1. Make as many biological terms as possible
    using the given letters. Each word should
    contain the letter given in circle.

  2. Minimum 4 letter word should be made.

  3. In making a word, a letter can be used as
    many times as it appears in the box.

  4. Make at least 1 seven letter word.

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