Biology today

(singke) #1
chAPTer-8 : humAn heALTh AnD DIseAse
multiple choice Questions

  1. If a person shows production of interferons in his body, the
    chances are that he has got an infection of
    (a) tetanus (b) malaria
    (c) typhoid (d) measles.

  2. Fever in malaria is due to
    (a) entry of sporozoites into blood capillaries
    (b) entry of merozoites into liver cells
    (c) release of merozoites from red blood cells
    (d) entry of cryptomerozoites into red blood cells.

  3. Which one of the following options gives the correct
    matching of a disease with its causative organism and
    mode of infection?
    Disease Causative Mode of
    organism infection
    (a) Typhoid Salmonella with inspired air
    (b) Pneumonia Streptococcus droplet infection
    (c) Elephantiasis Wuchereria with contaminated
    bancrofti water and food
    (d) malaria Plasmodium bite of male
    vivax Anopheles

  4. Bladderworm stage of Taenia solium is
    (a) rostella (b) strobila
    (c) onchosphere (d) cysticercus.
    5. Just as Xenopsylla is to Yersinia pestis, so is
    (a) Glossina palpalis to Wuchereria bancrofti
    (b) Culex to Plasmodium falciparum
    (c) Homo sapiens to Taenia solium
    (d) Phlebotomus to Leishmania donovani.
    6. Which of the following includes only bacterial diseases?
    (a) malaria, mumps, polio
    (b) cholera, typhoid, mumps
    (c) Tetanus, TB, malaria
    (d) Diphtheria, leprosy, plague
    7. roots of which of the following species contain valuable
    alkaloids that are useful in medicine?
    (a) Rauwolfia serpentina
    (b) Azadirachta indica
    (c) Emblica officinalis
    (d) Helianthus annus
    8. Which of the following human parasites require mosquito
    to complete their life-cycle?
    (a) Ascaris lumbricoides and Wuchereria bancrofti
    (b) Leishmania donovani and Plasmodium ovale
    (c) Ascaris lumbricoides and Leishmania donovani
    (d) Wuchereria bancrofti and Plasmodium ovale
    9. memory cells are stored in
    (a) spleen
    (b) lymph nodes
    (c) a specialised area of brain tissue
    (d) both (a) and (b).

unIT-VIII : BIOLOGY In humAn weLfAre

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