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Gametogenesis in females

• The process of development and maturation of ovum is
known as oogenesis.

• It consists of three phases : multiplication, growth and
maturation phase.

multiplication phase

• During multiplication phase, the cells of germinal epithelium
divide and detach to produce oogonia.

• The oogonia multiply by mitotic divisions and project into
the stroma as a cord, the egg tube of Pfluger, which later
becomes a round mass, the egg nest. One cell in the egg
nest grows and becomes the primary oocyte.

• Primary oocytes are diploid cells containing the same number
of chromosomes as in the parent somatic cells. The primary
oocytes cease to divide and enter the growth phase.

Growth phase

• This phase of the primary oocyte is very long. It may extend
over many years.

• There is accumulation of food materials and other resources
for nourishment of the oocyte.

• meiosis begins in the primary oocytes soon after their
formation. however, the oocytes are arrested in the early

part of meiotic prophase I (diplotene stage). This is the first
resting stage. They undergo a round of DNa synthesis,
and chromosome pairing takes place, but meiosis does not
proceed further until years later.

maturation phase
• after primary oocyte has finished its growth, there is two
specialised nuclear divisions, first one of which is the
reductional division.
• Beginning of puberty, a small number of primary oocytes are
activated each month. however, only one continues meiosis
I, producing two haploid cells of dissimilar size.
• The smaller cell is called first polar body and larger cell is
called secondary oocyte.
• The secondary oocyte proceeds with meiosis II but the division
gets arrested in metaphase II stage. This is the second
resting stage. This is due to an activity called cytostatic
factor which maintains arrest through preventing loss of
maturation Promoting Factor (mPF).
• MPF is a protein in cell cycle which stimulates m-phase of
cell cycle.
• It is in this stage of oocyte that the ovum is shed during
ovulation. It passes into oviduct, where in the ampulla part,
cell cycle will resume only after the entry of sperm.

Fig.:Summary of hormonal control of female reproductive system

LH stimulates

pituitary gland

GnRH stimulates
release of FSH and LH

GnRH Hypothalamus

FSH stimulates

Growing Ovary Ovulation
Initial development of
ovarian follicles

Further development of ovarian
follicles and their secretion of
estrogens and inhibin

Secretion of progesterone, estrogen
and inhibin by corpus luteum.

Estrogens Progesterone Inhibin
FSH and, to a lesser
extent, LH.


 Promote developmentand
maintenance of female reproductive
structures,femininesecondary sex
characteristics and breasts.
 Increase protein anabolism.
 Moderate levels inhibit release of
GnRH, FSH, and LH.

 Workswithestrogensto
 Prepares mammary glands to
secrete milk.
 Inhibits release of GnRH and

Corpus luteum
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