
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Chapter 1

Making Visible the Invisible

Daniel E. Brown and Lynnette Leidy Sievert


Each person’s experience of the world is unique and, to a degree, private. Our

understanding of others’experiences is based on analogies with those of our own as

well as through communication—primarily through language, but can we ever

really know how others see the world? Primal experiences—such as pain, hunger,

anxiety, and tiredness—are inherently subjective experiences. Understanding our

own experience, and the experience of others, is limited because many of these

feelings are hidden from our consciousness and/or from the consciousness of

others. However, our species depends on the ability to empathize with others as the

foundation of our very social lives, and thus, the ability to understand the experi-

ence of others, and compare it to our own experience, is a basic human adaptation.

An attempt to understand human experience is the ultimate in hubris for a social

scientist, the equivalent of the physicists’search for a“theory of everything.”

Human experience incorporates objectivity, subjectivity, consciousness, and the

“outside” world, or in Heideggerian terminology, being-in-the-world.

Communication and understanding from the“outside”to the“inside”of people’s

experiences—that is, making visible the invisible—is the theme of this volume. The

following chapters provide two perspectives: understanding what is“inside”other

people and using objective measures to inform people about themselves.

Our interest is in appreciating how people experience and react to various

aspects of their lives in terms of their knowledge, mood, feelings, and physiological

states. These concepts often require intersubjectivity, where one tries to get inside

D.E. Brown (&)
Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, HI, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

L.L. Sievert
Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

©Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
L.L. Sievert and D.E. Brown (eds.),Biological Measures of Human
Experience across the Lifespan: Making Visible the Invisible,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44103-0_

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