
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

This section has reviewed a number of factors in the obesogenic food envi-

ronment that increase food intake in, generally, unaware consumers. Humans are

poor at consumption monitoring, in part because these traits were previously

unnecessary when food selection was less abundant, less reliable and part of the

natural environment. The modern food environment is replete with deceptions in

taste, composition, caloric density, and portion sizes that facilitate increased con-

sumption volume (Wansink2004b, 2010 ). Human psychobiology and neurophys-

iology honed by evolution also operate to increase appetite, decrease satiety, and

facilitate energy storage (Power and Schulkin 2009 ). These largely unseen and

often unsensed hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, and other peptides exercise

control over many aspects of appetite and eating behaviors. These biomarkers are

explored in the next section.

The Invisible Regulatory Systems of Appetite and Eating


Obesity is highly heritable (>0.70) and ongoing research on the genetic bases of

obesity has identified approximately 30 rare Mendelian-based syndromes and more

than 40 genes involved in common polygenic obesity and related phenotypes
(Grimm and Steinle 2011 ; Walley et al. 2006 ). Many of these genes and their

products could potentially serve as clinically relevant biomarkers for assessing the

development of obesity and its sequelae (Walley et al. 2006 ). The polymorphic

FTO gene and its AA at-risk genotype have been well studied in numerous pop-

ulations, and genome-wide associations link its diverse pleiotropic effects to fat

mass, abdominal fat mass, BMI, activity patterns, appetite, satiety, hedonic aspects

of taste, ghrelin, and leptin levels (Zdrojowy-Wełna et al. 2014 ). Recently,

experimental results suggest that the noncoding region of FTO interacts with the

promoters of the IRX3 gene and that IRX3 is linked with obesity, influencing body

mass and composition (Smemo et al. 2014 ). IRX3 expression in mice results in

decreased body weight (Smemo et al. 2014 ). Further research is needed to elucidate

the specific roles of these and other obesity-related genes.

Appetite and food intake are regulated by the CNS in response to peptide and

neuronal signals converging from cellular and peripheral organs. Cellular sensors,

primarily AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and the mammalian target of

rapamycin (mTOR), detect energy levels inside the cell (Laplante and Sabatini

2012 ). The peripheral system generates and relays‘hunger’or‘satiety’signals to

the CNS, and the CNS controls autonomic and cognitive decisions regulating when

to start and stop eating, food selection, etc., by integrating signals from the entire

body. The hypothalamus is the primary CNS regulator of appetite, metabolism, and

eating behaviors responding to energy balance. The hippocampus has memory

functions; the thalamus integrates and relays sensory information to the cortex, and
the insular and temporal cortexes receive gustatory signals. In the brain stem the

10 Objective and Subjective Aspects of the Drive to Eat in... 209

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