
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

orbital frontal cortex (pleasure associated) to the lateral orbital frontal cortex

(aversion associated) areas (Small et al. 2001 ).

Central Nervous System Interaction with Adipose Tissues

and Peripheral Organs

The CNS mechanisms of wanting and liking interact with the peripheral systems

that control hunger, satiation, and satiety. This section presents data on the roles of

adipose tissue, stomach, intestines, and pancreas and their biomarkers in controlling

aspects of appetite and eating behaviors.

The former ecological and lifestyle constraints for the accumulation of adipose

tissue have been removed and, although there is a lower limit compatible with life,

about 5% for men and 8% for women, there is no definitive upper limit (Wilmore

et al. 1986 ). Wikipedia ( 2014 ) lists 12 women and men whose body weights

Fig. 10.4 Peripheral and central control of appetite and feeding behaviors (P. Doughtery in Byrne
2014 ).AGRPagouti-related protein,CARTcocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript,CCK
cholecystokinin,LHAlateral hypothalamus,MSHmelanocyte-stimulating hormone,MC3/MC4
melanocortin receptors, NPY neuropeptide Y,OB-Rbleptin receptors, POMCproopiome-
lanocortin,PVNparaventricular nucleus,Rreceptor,VMHventromedial hypothalamus

214 L.S. Lieberman

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