
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Box 1 Baby-Lag Parental Fatigue Scale

My current level of sleep deprivation or fatigue means that

  1. I am unable to function to do everyday tasks
    (a) Always
    (b) Sometimes
    (c) Rarely
    (d) Never

  2. I feel depressed or unmotivated and have no energy to even move
    (a) Always
    (b) Sometimes
    (c) Rarely
    (d) Never

  3. I feel anxious or stressed out
    (a) Always
    (b) Sometimes
    (c) Rarely
    (d) Never

  4. I feel short tempered or crabby
    (a) Always
    (b) Sometimes
    (c) Rarely
    (d) Never

  5. I feel overly emotional
    (a) Always
    (b) Sometimes
    (c) Rarely
    (d) Never

  6. I feel like I’m going to die or go crazy
    (a) Always
    (b) Sometimes
    (c) Rarely
    (d) Never

  7. I feel unwell/ill
    (a) Always
    (b) Sometimes
    (c) Rarely
    (d) Never

  8. I neglect the housework
    (a) Always
    (b) Sometimes
    (c) Rarely
    (d) Never

42 A.E.F. Rudzik and H.L. Ball

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