
(Barré) #1

potential in the adult mammalian spinal cord resides mainly within the population
of ependymal cells lining the central spinal cord canal. Spinal endogenous stem/
progenitor cells are recruited and proliferate after spinal cord injury, and the better
knowledge of the molecules that regulate their maintenance and activation will give
the possibility to manipulate them in order to replace dead and damaged neurons
after injury or disease.^60

5 Conclusion

Most of the CNS diseases are the result of the complex interplay between various
genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. Personalized medicine, in the sense
of prediction, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of CNS diseases and disorders,
will be possible only when genetic basis and molecular and cellular mechanisms
involved in their etiopathogenesis will be completely understood and when the
fundamental problems of neurobiology, such as dead, regeneration, and improper
functioning of neuronal and glial networks, will be resolved.


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Personalized Medicine of Central Nervous System Diseases and Disorders:... 251

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