
(Marcin) #1

Antigua 215, 216, 217
Antilles 59, 70, 117, 247, 305
see alsoGreater Antilles; Lesser Antilles
ants 209–11, 219, 299, 315
Apia mellifera(honey bee) 299
Apteribis(ibis) 183
aquatic species 292
Aquifoliaceae 237
Aquila chrysaetos(eagle) 267
Araliaceae 237
area 247, 276
cladograms 198, 236
diversity 89–90
effect on immigration rate 102
effects, minimum 121
–isolation 246
minimum dynamic 274–5
not always first variable in model 90–1
per seeffect 89
requirements, differential 128
see alsominimum viable areas; species–area
Argyranthemum62, 67, 228, 229, 234
Argyroxiphium66, 228, 235, 237
Arrhenius plots 81
arrival and change 167–94
character displacement 176–7
empty niche space 172–6
founder effects, genetic drift and bottlenecks 167–72
pollination and dispersal networks 179–81
reproduction 177–9
see alsoniche shifts and syndromes
arrival rate 120
Artamus insignis(bird) 108
Arthrophyllum javancium(tree) 142
arthropods 103
Aruba island 122
Ascension island 22
assembly process 141–3
assembly rules 108, 111–13, 114–15, 116, 126
assortative equilibrium 103
Asteraceae 50, 62, 66–7, 131, 135, 183–4, 197
emergent models of island evolution 228, 229, 234,
235, 236, 237, 240, 241
Atlantic Ocean and islands 184, 201, 203, 320, 322, 339
Atlantoxerus getulus(squirrel) 299
Atlas tectonics 22
atolls 22–4, 30, 32, 37, 67, 160
conservation of ecosystems 323, 324
emergent models of evolution 239, 243
Auckland Islands 183
Australia and islands 17, 19
anthropogenic losses and threats to ecosystems 290
arrival and change 169, 178, 189–90
community assembly and dynamics 123, 128

conservation of ecosystems 331
island theory and conservation 258–9, 268, 277, 279,
280–1, 282–3, 287
Perth islands 90
scale and ecological theory 158, 163
speciation and island condition 206
species numbers 97, 102
zoogeographic regions 52–3, 54
autecological requirements 283
autopolyploid species 205
Azores 19, 180, 203, 305
biodiversity ‘hotspots’ 50, 60, 62, 63–4
emergent models of evolution 232–3, 245
Azorina vidalii 180

back-colonization 248
back-dispersal 235
Bahamas 102, 261, 314, 331, 338
Baja California 273
balance of nature paradigm 253
Balearic islands 72, 181, 299, 314
Baltic Sea islands 189
banks 24
Barbados 321, 338
barbs and hairs, loss of 183
Barbuda 217
Barkley Sound (Canada) 177, 183
barrier formation 203
Barringtoniaassociation 131, 133
Barro Colorado island (Panama) 269–70, 274, 286
basaltic continental shelf 12
Bass Straits islands 121
bats 69, 71, 72, 135–6, 143, 214, 304
see alsofruit bats
becard 213
beech forest 88
beetles 219, 227
behaviour, changes in 190–2
Bermuda 126, 174
Bidens 183
bimaculatusgroup 215–16, 217
Bimini islands 337
biodiversity, global significance of 46–9
biological control 331
Biosphere Reserves 328, 333
biotas, scale and dynamics of 147–9
biotic collapse 264
biotic forces 239
Birdlife International 48
Endemic Bird Area scheme 47, 333
birds 52, 65, 72, 73, 74, 191, 219
anthropogenic losses and threats to ecosystems 292–4,
296, 301, 302–3, 304–5, 321–2
arrival and change 176–7


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