
(Marcin) #1

New Zealand 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 32, 34
anthropogenic losses and threats to ecosystems 295,
305, 306, 309–10, 313–14, 315
arrival and change 177, 178, 181, 182, 188
biodiversity ‘hotspots’ 47, 50, 66, 72, 74
community assembly and dynamics 126
conservation of ecosystems 331–2, 337
emergent models of evolution 238
island theory and conservation 257
scale and ecological theory 158
speciation and island condition 206
species numbers 88
breadth 173–4
expansion 179
space 215
see alsoempty niche space; niche shifts and
niche shifts and syndromes 87, 177, 179, 181–94
dispersal powers, loss of 182–4
fecundity and behaviour, changes in 190–2
island syndrome in rodents 192–4
size shifts in species and island rule 186–90
woodiness in herbaceous plant lineages 184–6
Niuafo’ou 19
non-adaptive differences 200
non-adaptive radiation 208, 218, 230, 235, 239, 243, 245,
non-equilibrium 150–6, 158–9, 283–5
static 151, 155
Norfolk Island 70, 262
Normania 62
North America 92, 214, 224, 290
island theory and conservation 277–8, 284
see alsoCanada; United States
northern spotted owl 286
Notechis ater serventyi(tiger snake) 189–90
Novocariensis 62
nuées ardentes 42
null hypothesis 113–18
null models 117, 118, 122, 126, 144, 176
nutrient fluxes 268

Oahu (Hawaii) 30, 160, 222, 225, 226, 320
oceanic islands 10, 14–15, 36, 47
arrival and change 167
biodiversity ‘hotspots’ 52, 53–4, 56, 57, 67
emergent models of evolution 220
scale and ecological theory 152–3, 159
speciation and island condition 203
oceanic plate islands 12
Oecanthinae 225
Oeno atoll 312
Okino-Tori-Shima: strategic economic importance 324

Olea(olive tree) 234
Oligosoma grande(skink) 181
Opuntia(cactus) 300, 317, 327
orb-weaving spiders 102, 105, 261
orchids 50, 135, 142
Oriental zoogeographic regions 52–3, 54
origin, modes of 12–22
intraplate locations 20–2
plate boundary islands 16–20
orioles 256
Orkney isles 190–1
Oryctolagus cuniculus(rabbit) 299
outcrossing 177–8
outliers 276
over-compensation 179

Pachycephala(flycatcher) 111
Pacific Ocean and islands 16
anthropogenic losses and threats to ecosystems 294,
302, 322
ants 209
arrival and change 170–1, 173, 183
biodiversity ‘hotspots’ 70, 73, 74
birds 79, 84, 307–12
conservation of ecosystems 338–9
speciation and island condition 201, 202
palaeoendemism 63–5
palaeoinhabited islands 305
palaeoislands, fusion of 237
Palma, La (Canary islands) 21–2, 28, 29, 43, 44
conservation of ecosystems 333, 335
emergent models of evolution 231, 232
Taburiente National Park 333
Pandanus(screw-pines) 130, 323
Pandion haliaetus(osprey) 267
Panjang island 132, 133
Papasula abbotti(booby) 310
parallel convergent morphology 228
parapatric phase 248
paraphyletic lineages 203
Paroreomyza(Molokai creeper) 223
parrots 255–6, 260–1, 339–40
parthenogenesis 178–9
Partula(land snail) 198, 299, 315
Parulidae 122
Parus(tits) 174–5, 237, 258, 275
Paschalococos disperta(palm) 310
passive sampling 88, 127
patch dynamics 274–5
Pearl Reef 177
Pelargonium 238
Peléan eruptions 42
Penguin Bank seamount (Hawaii) 30
peninsula effect 273

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