
(Marcin) #1

Pennisetum setaceum(grass) 327
Pentaschistis 238
Pericallis62, 67, 185, 229, 235
Peromyscus 119
Perth islets 93
pes-capraeformation 131, 133
petrels 312
Petroica macrosephala dannefaerdi (black tit) 159–60
Pezophaps solitaria(solitaire) 182, 313
Phaeornis obscurus(thrush) 319
Phalacrocorax harrisi(cormorant) 183
Phelsuma(gecko) 180, 181, 314
Philesturnus carunculatus(saddle–back) 331
Philippines 47, 69, 71, 304–5, 337
Phoenix(palm) 300
phosphate mining 324–5, 340
Phigys solitarius(parrot) 332
Phyllis62, 178
Phylloscopus collybita(chiffchaff) 258
phylogenesis 243, 245
phylogenetic analyses 214, 217
phylogeny (phylogenetic tree) 195–9, 207, 208,
physical changes of fragment systems 268–9
physical environment of islands 32–7
climatic characteristics 32–6
topographic characteristics 32
tracks in the ocean 37
water resources 36–7
pigeons 118, 122
pigs 302, 313, 314, 317, 318, 328, 330
Pimelia(beetle) 235, 237
Pinaroloxias inornata(finch) 174, 204, 220
Pinta (Galápagos islands) 220
Pinus(tree) 317, 318
Pinzón (Galápagos islands) 233
pioneers of interior habitats 141–2
Pisonia grandis 317
Pitcairn Island 24, 312
Plagithmysusbeetles 93
plant climbers 297
plants 74, 177, 183–4, 240–1
adaptive radiation 228–30
anthropogenic losses and threats to ecosystems 293,
294–5, 316–20, 322
endemic 65–7
herbaceous plant lineages, woodiness in 184–6
hermaphroditic 177
invasive 327
scale and ecological theory 153
Plasmodium(parasite) 301
platesseetectonic plates
Platydesma 235
Platypsaris niger(becard) 213

Platyspiza(finch) 219
Plaza Sur 225
Pleasant Island seeNauru
Plebejus argus(butterfly) 260
Plinian eruptions 42
Plocama 178
Plumbaginaceae 67
Poaceae 50
Podarcis(lizard/skink) 181, 299
pollination 179–81, 322
changes 299–300
networks 194
Polynesian islands 47, 84
anthropogenic losses and threats to ecosystems
307, 308
arrival and change 183–4
biodiversity ‘hotspots’ 72, 73
community assembly and dynamics 118
emergent models of evolution 219, 245, 247
polyploidy 205–6, 207, 230
Ponape island 23
differentiation scale 164
dynamics scale 147–8, 164
size, effective 254
trajectories 256
viability analyses 253
see alsometapopulation; minimum viable
population dynamic scale 147–8
Porto Santo island (Madeira) 230
Porzanula palmeri(rail) 299
power function model 81
predation 105, 298–9
by humans 295, 322
community assembly and dynamics 115, 121–2
island theory and conservation 278
scale and ecological theory 160
previously uninhabited islands 305
prickly pears 300, 327
Principe 337
Pritchardia(palm) 50
Procyon lotor(racoon) 278
Proechimys semispinosus(spiny rat) 119
Prognathogryllus(cricket) 235, 236
progression rule 226, 228, 234–5, 236, 248
promotion of sexual out–crossing hypothesis 185
propagules 85, 100, 102
protected area 333–7
Psammodromus(lizard) 199
Pseudonestor(parrotbill) 223
pseudoturnover 100–1, 103
Psidium(guava) 300, 319, 328
Psittirostra 223


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