systematic variation in 87–9
see alsoequilibrium theory; island species-area
relationship; turnover
numbers variation in short and medium term 157–8
poverty 49–50, 320
protection systems 333–7
swarms 230
see alsospecies-area
species-area 162
approach 283
curves 80, 158–9
equations 265
models 271, 272, 284
plot 83
relationships 77, 81, 82, 87–9, 92–3, 304
type 286
see alsoisland species-area relationship (ISAR)
spermatophytes 141
Sphenodontia 314
spiders 219, 227, 234, 236, 261
see alsoorb-weaving
Spitsbergen island 97
Sri Lanka 47
starlings 100
static equilibrium 150, 155
static non-equilibrium 151, 155
Steganecarus(mite) 237
Stephens Island wren 309
stepping-stone islands 19, 29, 61–2, 84, 247, 278
see alsocorridors
Sterculiaceae 201
Stewart Island 332
stochastic demographic effects 288, 289
stochasticity 235
storm vulnerability 338
strandlines 135, 141
strategic economic importance 324
stratovolcano 42
stream-continuum concept 279
Strigops habroptilus(kakapo) 182, 332
Strix occidentalis caurina(owl) 260, 286
strombolian eruptions 42
Sturnus vulgaris 327
subspecies 196, 197, 199
succession 131–4
in fragmented landscapes 274–6
successional island ecology 129–31
successional model of island assembly 130
succulents 298
Sumba (Indonesia) 97
Sunda islands 19, 52, 54, 84, 179
Sundaland 47
sunken continental shelf 12
super-generalists 194
endemic 180–1
supersaturation 159, 264
supertramps 87, 276
community assembly and dynamics 109, 110, 111, 118,
128, 130–1, 143
Sus scofra(pig) 307
sustainable development 337–40
sweepstake dispersal 52, 73
Sylvilagus nuttallii(cottontail) 92
sympatry 199, 201, 207, 217, 224–5, 228, 248
system extent 266–8
Tahiti 126, 240, 307, 318, 320, 321, 322
Takapoto atoll 178–9
Tamias 119
Tarentola(geckos) 237
Tasmania 19, 181, 305
Tatoosh island 158
taxon cycle 5, 186, 209–17
anthropogenic losses and threats to ecosystems 291
Caribbean lizards 215–17
emergent models of evolution 208, 211–15, 217, 230–1,
245, 247–8
evaluation 217
Melanesian ants 209–11
species numbers 87
taxonomy 196
tectonic plates 12–13, 22
boundary islands 16–20
convergent plate boundaries 19–20
divergent plate boundaries 16–19
transverse plate boundaries 20
control model 21, 22
damage vulnerability 338
Telespiza cantans(finch) 160, 177
Teline 237
Tenerife (Canary islands) 21, 28, 29, 35–7, 42, 43–4
arrival and change 180
biodiversity ‘hotspots’ 62, 71
conservation of ecosystems 326–7, 337
emergent models of evolution 227, 228–9, 231, 232,
233, 237, 243, 244
island theory and conservation 278
National Park 329, 333
Teno (Canary islands) 28, 29
Tenrecidae 18
tens rule 321, 327
terminal resolution 236
Terminalia catappa(tree) 131, 136
territoriality, relaxation in 191–2
Tetramolopium235, 237
theory and conservation 251–89
climate change and reserve systems 286
corridors 278–9, 281