Resistant Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease

(Brent) #1


deactivated for unknown reasons (p = 0.97) [ 100 ]. Catheter-based renal sympathetic
denervation is another potential therapeutic strategy for resistant hypertension. This
technique exercises radiofrequency energy to ablate renal nerves alongside renal
arteries in the adventitial layers [ 101 ]. Although the initial unblended trial using this
technology showed fruitful results [ 101 ], a subsequent randomized sham-controlled
trial (SYMPLICITY-HTN3) [ 102 ] indicated no difference in the office blood pres-
sure or 24-h ambulatory blood pressure in a denervation group compared with a
sham-procedure group treated with medical therapy alone. It is unclear whether
renal denervation may benefit a subset of patients with resistant hypertension.


One of the major causes of pseudo-resistant hypertension appears to be nonadher-
ence to prescribed anti-hypertensives, and modifications in diet and physical activ-
ity have the potential to lower BP substantially in patients with RHT. On the other
hand, it is not obvious whether renal denervation benefits a subset of patients with
RHT. Therefore; the best choice for treatment of RHT appears to be providing well
adherence to medication and lifestyle change of patients with RHT. The public pol-
icy is vital to efforts to both prevent and treat RHT.


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    The seventh report of the Joint National Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and
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Table 15.4 Device therapy
for resistant hypertension

Chronic electrical stimulation of the
carotid sinus nerves with a
surgically implantable device
Catheter-based renal sympathetic

N. Keles et al.
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