Resistant Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease

(Brent) #1



  • Studies of the effect of continuous positive airway pressure in patients with
    resistant hypertension secondary to obstructive sleep apnoea (
    Identifiers: NCT01508754 and NCT00929175).

  • The Resistant Arterial Hypertension Cohort Study (RAHyCo) (ClinicalTrials.
    gov Identifier NCT01083017) is investigating the epidemiology of resistant
    hypertension and evaluating the efficacy and feasibility of a standardised treat-
    ment regimen (including randomisation of two doses of chlortalidone). It is
    also studying two interventions in a group of non-compliant patients and will
    study environmental and genetic variables of individuals with resistant hyper-
    tension within a family design. It plans to enrol 200 patients and is due to com-
    plete in April 2018.

Teaching Points

  • Resistant hypertension is the uncontrolled blood pressure despite treatment
    with at least three antihypertensive agents (one of which is a diuretic) at best
    tolerated doses.

  • Patients with resistant hypertension are almost 50% more likely to experience an
    adverse cardiovascular event compared with patients with blood pressure con-
    trolled by three or fewer antihypertensive agents.

  • The prevalence of resistant hypertension is 10–20% of the general hyperten-
    sive population.

  • The diagnosis of true resistant hypertension should exclude apparent or pseudo-
    resistant hypertension has been undertaken.

  • 5 to 10% of resistant hypertension patients have an underlying secondary cause
    for their elevated blood pressure.

  • The best available evidence supports the use of spironolactone as the preferred
    fourth drug if the patient’s blood potassium level is ≤4.5 mmol/L.

  • Attention should be paid to SBP, PP and DBP to try to ensure a sensible and safe
    therapeutic outcome.
    With higher blood potassium levels, intensification of thiazide-like diuretic
    therapy should be considered.

D. Goldsmith and S. Badarau
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