Resistant Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease

(Brent) #1

hypertension treatment, 349
interventions and devices, 337
KDIGO recommendations, 290
lifestyle interventions, 239, 240
medical treatment, 248
MHT, 260
microglia, 95
monitoring and treatment issues, 344
mortality, 72
multiple detrimental mechanisms, 160
neurogenic pathways, 91
neurovascular compression, 92
(see Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA))
outcomes, 8
PATHWAY-2 study, 287
patient characteristics, 7–8
patient factors, 8
patients with high cardiovascular risk,
patients’ organizations, 241, 242
pharmaceutical reimbursement, 242
pharmacogenomics, 111
pharmacologic management, 350
physicians, 242–244
pressure natriuresis, 248
prevalence, 5–7, 72, 188
prevention and treatment in Europe and
the USA, 240–244
primary and secondary cardiovascular
disease, 249–251
pseudo-resistance, 260
pseudo-resistant hypertension, 234, 237–239
public health efforts, 235–237
public policy, 241, 242
RAAS, 249
refractory hypertension, 3, 260
renalase, 96
renal, cardiovascular/mortality events,
62, 63
renal and cardiovascular risk, 79, 80
renorenal reflexes, 94
risk factors, 78, 79, 233, 336
salt restriction, 248, 346
subclinical volume overload, 220
sympathetic overactivation, 161–163
target BP, 187
therapeutic failure, 3
therapy, 190, 191
thoracic bioimpedance, 220
treatment, 90, 220, 286, 287
triple therapy, 285
vascular disease and end-organ damage, 72
Rheos system, 318
Risk stratification, 81, 82

Salt. See Hypertension
Salt-resistant phenotype, 95
Salt restriction strategy, 266–268
Salt-sensitive hypertension, 94
Salt sensitivity, 262
Saluretic medication, 35
Scipione Riva Rocci mercury
sphygmomanometer, 139
Secondary hypertension, 188–190
Sensory afferent fibers, 308
Serum potassium, 223
Seventh Report of the Joint National
Committee 7 (JNC7), 4
Sleep apnea, 161
Sleep-disordered breathing, 196, 197, 205,
207, 211, 212
Sleep Heart Health Study, 197
Smad7 protein, 104
Snoring and daytime sleepiness, 203
Sodium intake
practical recommendations, 51
Sodium pump ligand, 108
Sodium retention, 129–130
Sphygmomanometer, 244
Spironolactone, 223, 350
Stanford Sleepiness Scale, 204
Steroids, 46
Study of Heart and Renal Protection
(SHARP), 32
Suboptimal therapy, 336
Sympathetic activation, RH, 153–156, 199
evidence, 152, 153
α1- and β-adrenergic blockers, 154
antihypertensive efficacy, 156
arterial baroreflex, 153
baroreceptor denervation, 153
baroreflex dysfunction, 154
calcium channel blockers
(amlodipine), 154
canine model, 156
chemoreflex activation, 156
chronic intermittent hypoxemia, 156
hyperinsulinemia, 156
neurohumoral mechanisms, 155
normotensive obese, 155
obesity, 156
obesity-related hypertension, 156
plasma NE concentration, 155
pleiotropic beneficial effects, 156
plethora, 156
prazosin and propranolol, 155
reflex control, 155


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