(^230) noTes
98 P. Dolman, R. Fuller, R. Gill, D. Hooton and R. Tabor, ‘Escalating ecological
impact of deer in lowland woodland’, British Wildlife 21 (2010), 242–54.
99 J. E. Harting, Birds of Middlesex (London, 1866); Alexander Clark Kennedy,
Birds of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire (London, 1868).
100 D. E. Allen, The Naturalist in Britain (London: Allen Lane, 1976), pp. 187–243.
101 J. Beckett and C. Watkins, ‘Natural history and local history in late Victorian
and Edwardian England: the contribution of the Victoria County History’,
Rural History 22 (2011), 59–88.
102 W. H. Hudson, Nature in Downland (London, 1900). W. H. Hudson,
A Shepherd’s Life: impressions of the South Wiltshire Downs (London, 1910).
103 Allen, Naturalist in Britain, p. 231.
104 J. McCormick, Reclaiming Paradise: the global environmental movement
(London: John Wiley, 1992), p. 4.
105 J. R. V. Marchant and W. Watkins, Wild Birds Protection Acts 1880-1896
(London, 1897).
106 Ibid., p. 43.
107 D. A. Stroud, ‘The status and legislative protection of birds of prey and their
habitats in Europe’, in D. B. A. Thompson (ed.), Birds of Prey in a Changing
Environment (Edinburgh, 2003), pp. 51–83.
108 D. Evans, A History of Nature Conservation in Britain (London: Routledge,
1992), pp. 34–5; 47–8.
109 McCormick, Reclaiming Paradise, pp. 1–24.
110 B. Cowell, ‘The commons preservation society and the campaign for
Berkhamsted common, 1866–70’, Rural History 13, 2 (2002), 145–62.
111 M. Waterson, The National Trust: the first hundred years (London, 1994).
G. Murphy, Founders of the National Trust (London: Christopher Helm,
112 Evans, History of Nature Conservation in Britain, pp. 46–7;
113 Ibid., p. 45.
114 C. E. Gay, ‘The Norfolk Naturalists Trust’, Transactions of the Norfolk and
Norwich Naturalists’ Society 16 (1944), 3–13.
115 Evans, History of Nature Conservation, pp. 52–3.
116 Ibid., p. 4.
117 Lord Justice Scott, Report on the Committee on Land Utilisation in Rural
Areas, Command Paper 6378 (London: HMSO, 1942), p. 25. See also
J. Sheial, ‘The impact of recreation on the coast: the Lindsey County Council
(Sandhills) Act, 1932’, Landscape Planning 4 (1977), 53–72. J. Sheail, An
Environmental History of Twentieth-Century Britain (London: Palgrave,
2002), pp. 36–41.
118 Ibid., p. 131.
119 C. Williams-Ellis, England and the Octopus (London: G.Bles, 1928).
120 D. Matless, Landscape and Englishness (London: Reaktion, 1998).
121 Sheail, Environmental History, p. 106.