An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

(Elle) #1


Abercrombie, Patrick 158
‘Acte for the Preservation of
Grayne’ 53
Adder 28–9
Adonis blue 31
Aldenham, Hertfordshire 51
alder 10, 22, 34, 104, 146
Alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum) 12
algae 111, 131, 161, 180
Allerston, Yorkshire 66
alpine pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) 82
American mink (Mustela
vison) 152, 190
American muskrat (Ondatra
zibethicus) 152
American plane 12
Americas, the 41, 76
amphipod (Crangonyx
pseudogracilis) 85
ancient woodland 2, 20, 47, 87,
110, 121, 151–2, 165, 175,
184, 189
anemone 172 see also pasque flower;
wood anemone
Anglo-Saxon 9, 12, 15, 25
annual meadow grass (Poa annua) 166
apple 2, 50, 167
Areas of Outstanding Natural
Beauty 185
Arkwright 74
arthropods 168
ash 2, 22, 22 , 24, 46, 50, 83, 104,
129, 167, 175, 193
ash, boiler 82 see also fly/pulverized
fuel ash
Ashdown, Sussex 66
Asia 16, 41, 123, 130, 132, 164, 180
aspen 50

aubretia 177
auroch 2, 8, 191
avocet 31–2, 179

Babbington, Charles 97, 102, 105
badger 54, 71, 86, 148
Bailey Denton, John 111
Balkans 12, 131
barley 4, 40, 73, 91–2, 108, 137, 140
barn owl 24, 52, 175
Barnack ‘Hills and Holes’ 61
barnacle geese 32
bar-tailed godwit 10, 31
Basingstoke canal 83, 85
bats 9, 24, 83, 175
beans 40
bearded tit 10, 135
beaver 9
Bechstein’s bat 9
bedding plants 130, 171–2
Bedford 60
Bedford, Duke of 34, 88, 151
Bedford Rivers, Old and New 34
Bedfordshire 44, 101, 149–51, 180–1
brick fields 26, 88
beech 24, 46, 50, 62–3, 120, 122, 129,
150, 153
copper 130
bees 174, 179
yellow-legged mining bee 179
whitezoned mining bee 179
Beeston, Norfolk 50–1, 51
beetles 11, 24, 154, 174
Haliplus heydenii 83
Phloeostiba lapponica 154
Plegaderus vulneratus 154
bell heather (Erica cinera) 24
Bennett Lawes, John 94

Page numbers in bold refer to figures and their captions.
NB one page may contain multiple references.

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