cat’s-ear 167
cattle 4, 7, 9, 49, 52–3, 55–6, 87,
143, 175
Act to Prevent Cruel Treatment
of 136
cake 111–12
decline in cattle rearing 100, 106,
145–6, 184
on heaths 25, 27
on ‘hedge greens’ 49
manure from 91, 93, 108, 112
on marshes 32–3
on moors 29
in parks 128
stall-fed 91, 93
on water meadows 40
wild 2
on wood-pasture 20
Caversham, Berkshire 69
Cawston, Norfolk 26, 35
cedar of Lebanon 12, 129
chaffinch 9–10, 23, 52, 108,
173, 177
chalk downs/downland 4, 6, 30, 36,
95, 144–5 see also downs
chalk heath 27–8
chalkhill blue 31
Chambers, William 116
Charlton-all-Saints, Wiltshire 39
Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire 67
Chatsworth, Derbyshire 63, 128
Cheddar 14
cherry 2
Cheshire 54, 71, 103–4, 110, 140,
149, 182
chicken 53, 71, 179
chiffchaff 10, 23
Chilean coypu (Myopotanus
coypu) 151
Chilterns/Chiltern Hills 7, 30, 46, 50,
99, 149
Chinese water deer (Hydropotes
inermis) 150, 190
chough 81
churchwardens’ accounts 53–6, 71–2,
109, 121
Civil War 62, 67–9, 76, 119
Clarke, J. A. 102, 144–5
Clean Air Act (1946) 162
Clements, F. E. 3
climax vegetation 2–3
clove pink (Dianthus caryophyllus) 12
clover 40, 91–2, 108–9 see also hares-
foot clover; red clover; white
clubmosses (Lycopodiella spp.) 81
coal 19, 26, 61, 74–8, 80–1, 83, 87–9,
93, 99, 104, 106, 113, 144–5,
152, 162, 181
Coalbrookdale, Shropshire 76, 79,
80 , 83
Cobbett, W. 105
cock’s foot (Dactylis glomerata) 27
cockroaches 180
coleseed 40
collecting 134–6, 155–6
coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) 181
common bent (Agrostis tenuis) 25
common bunting 103 see also
common corncockle (Agrostemma
githago) 111 see also corn-
common field speedwell (Vemica
persica) 41
common lime (Tilia vulgaris) see lime
common lizard 180
common mallow 167
common shrew 23, 60
common spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza
fuchsii) 81, 151, 181
common sunflower 179
common whitethroat 9–10, 49
Compton 74
coney 15–16 see also rabbit
Constable, John 131, 191
coot 32, 34, 177
coppiced wood 6, 23–4, 35, 49, 83,
107, 119, 171, 182
coppice-with-standards 22
corn bunting 10, 31, 108, 180 see also
corn buttercup (Ranunculus
arvensis) 40
Corn Law 73, 137
corn-cockle 11
corncrake 10, 42, 108–9, 111
cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) 40, 111
Cornwall 15, 26–7, 55, 72, 124,
150, 155