(^268) indeX
Corsican pine 153
cotoneasters 167
Cotswolds 30, 39, 97, 109, 134
cotton grass (Eriophorum
angustifolium) 29, 123
cotton-sedge (Eriophorum) 78
couch grass (Elymus repens) 41
Council for the Protection of Rural
England (CPRE) 153, 158
Coward, T. A. 103, 182
Cowper, Spencer 129
Cowper, William 116
cowslip (Primula veris) 31, 38, 40, 61
Cranbourne Chase 30
crane 32
creeping cinquefoil 173
creeping speedwell (Veronica
filiformis) 173
creeping thistle 167
cricket 177
crickets 31 see also house cricket
crossbill 154, 156
crow 28, 52, 54, 124, 148, 177, 180
crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) 79
Cruelty to Animals Act 136
cuckoo 177
Cumberland 100, 124, 150
Cumbria 30, 82, 150, 180
curlew 29, 31–2, 103, 179
cyclamen 171
dairy farms/farmers 146, 175
dairying 7, 151
dairy produce 140
dandelions (Taraxacum sp.) 165–6
Dartford warbler 28, 135
Dartmoor 14, 29, 66, 67
deer 2, 13–14, 20, 27, 65, 67–8, 121,
128, 150–1, 155 see also
Chinese water deer; fallow
deer; muntjac deer; red deer;
roe deer; sika deer
deer parks 6, 13–16, 14 , 21, 63–4,
67–9, 127, 176
Defoe, Daniel 66, 75, 101, 117
Denham, Suffolk 49
Denmark 26
Derbyshire 28–30, 63, 181
Desborough, Northamptonshire 45
Devon 26–7, 39, 50, 55, 112, 124,
135, 152, 155
Diss, Norfolk 49
dock 32, 61, 179
Rumex patientia 179
dogs mercury 121
dogwood 104, 144
donkey 27
Dorset 71, 121, 150
dotterell (Eudromis morinellis) 102
Douglas fir 130
dovecote(s) 16, 63, 65, 67–8, 128
downs 10, 19, 31, 42, 9 2, 95–101,
126, 145, 187, 192 see also
chalk downs
dragonfly 83, 181
Drake’s Island 15
Drayton, Michael 33
Druce, George Claridge 11, 86, 97, 99
ducks/ducklings 32, 53, 65–6
Dudley Stamp, L. 144, 146, 166
Dugdale, W. 33
Duke of Argyll’s Tea Plant (Lycium
barabarum) 105
Duke of Burgundy fritillary 23, 31
Duke of Lancaster 16
dunlin 31, 100, 179
dunnock 9–10, 49 see also hedge
Durham 30, 81
Dutch 2, 34, 62
Dutch elm disease 50, 184
Dutchman’s breeches (Dicentra
cucullaria) 70
dwarf sedge (Carex humilis) 30
dwarf shrubs 24
East Anglia 22, 26–7, 33–4, 44, 55,
75, 97, 106, 112, 148, 151
East Anglian Breckland 24–5, 27, 66,
98, 143, 145
East Anglian Fens 65, 102, 150
East Anglian Heights 28
Edgware 80
edible dormouse (Glig glis) 149
eel grass (Allerisneria spiralis) 85
eels 34
eglantine 70
elder 47, 167