An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

(Elle) #1

elm 2, 22, 24, 46–7, 50, 129, 184
Ely 66
enchanters nightshade 53, 61
enclosure 5, 7, 42, 43 , 44, 57, 93, 102,
109, 122, 128, 130
of commons 26, 88–9, 95–101,
113, 119–20, 123, 128,
144, 176
of open fields 7, 45, 92, 104–5,
107 , 109–10, 126, 186
parliamentary 5, 92, 95, 96 ,
101, 103
Engels, F. 78
Epping Forest 157
Essex 32, 49, 55, 65, 97, 106–7, 131,
173, 183
European larch 12 see also larch;
Japanese larch
eutrophication 111–12
Evelyn, John 12, 120
Eversley, Lord 156
Exmoor 29
exotic fauna 149–52, 149
exotic trees and plants 62, 70, 85,
105, 130–1, 149, 167, 171,
bedding plants 130
garden trees 62, 127
herbaceous plants 130–1, 167, 171
exotics 11, 53, 189

fairy flax (Linum catharticum) 81
fallow deer 14–16, 190
false acacia 12
false oat-grass 167
fat hen (Chenopodium album) 53,
61, 179
fen violet (Viola persicifolia) 34
see also violet
fens 6, 19, 32–5, 65–6, 88, 98, 101–3,
146, 150–1, 157, 187
feral pigeons 166
ferns 24, 134–5, 177
floating water fern (Azolla
filiculoides) 131
forked spleenwort (Asplenium
septentrionale) 135
maidenhair fern 135
royal fern (Osmunda regalis) 135

fertilisers/fertilizers 94, 110–12, 140,
143, 184
feverfew 168
field clubs 133–4
field drains 92, 95, 99, 110, 140
field ponds 44, 110
field sports 122–6
field wormwood (Artemisia
campestris) 28, 154
fieldfare 177
fig trees 168
Finch, Jon 126
finches 23, 179 see also bullfinch;
chaffinch; goldfinch;
fingered speedwell (Veronica
triphyllus) 28, 154
firearms 68–70, 123–4, 136, 186
firewood 19, 21, 46–7, 49, 129
fish/fishing 34, 60, 70, 110, 112, 128,
132, 146, 161, 180
fish ponds 16, 63–5, 67, 69, 128
floating see meadows
floating sweet grass 182
fly ash see pulverized fuel ash
fodder crops 30, 40, 66, 91–2, 94,
100, 108–9
Forest of Dean 97
Forestry Commission 138, 144,
152, 184
forests, royal 14–15, 20–2, 29, 35, 44,
56, 66–9, 88, 97, 124, 157
forked spleenwort (Asplenium
septentrionale) 135
fox 17, 53–6, 65, 112, 124–6,
148, 174
fox hunting 125–6, 148
France 26, 190
freshwater shrimps 161
frogs 83, 174
fumitory (Fumaria officinalis) 53, 61
fungi 24, 134, 150, 175, 187

gadwall 10
Game Act (1671) 68
gamekeepers 68–9, 124, 125 , 126,
148, 159
garden escapees 12, 167–8, 179,
182, 189
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