An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

(Elle) #1

(^270) indeX
garden warbler 23
gatekeeper butterfly 31
General Drainage Act (1600) 34
George, David Lloyd 138
Gerard, John 12
giant hogweed 132, 179
Gilbert, Oliver 165, 167–8
ginkgo 130
globe thistle (Echinops
sphaerocephalus) 12
globeflower (Trollius europaeus) 38
Gloucestershire 12, 50, 151
goats 4
goats rue 168
godwit 34 see also bar- tailed godwit;
black-tailed godwit
golden eagle 156
golden oriole 175
golden plover 10, 29, 100, 154, 179
golden rod 167–8 see also Canadian
golden rod
goldfinch 108, 143
golf courses 178
good king Henry (Chenopodium bonus-
henricus) 53
gorse or furze (Ulex europaeus) 19,
24, 26–9, 42, 77, 82, 88, 126,
144–5, 154
grand fir 130
Grand Junction/Union canal 84
Grant, J. 112
grasshoppers 31
gravel pits 61, 180–1, 188, 192
grazing marsh 32
great bustard 19, 28, 31, 98, 108
great crested grebe 177, 181
great crested newt 174
Great Level, the 34
great spotted woodpecker 174, 176–7
great tit 9
greater plantain (Plantago major) 166
green alga (Desmococcus
olivaceus) 161 see also
green woodpecker 155
greenfinch 108–9, 177
greenshank 154
grey dagger (Acronycta) 162
grey partridge 42, 104
grey squirrel (Sciurus
carolinensis) 149–50,
177, 189–90
grey wagtail 177
Grindon, Leo 79–80
ground elder 12
groundsel (Senechio vulgaris) 61, 108,
143, 167, 179
grouse 10, 100, 123, 148, 154
black 10, 100
red 29, 100, 103
gudgeon (Gobio gobio) 161
guelder rose 62, 176
gulls 124, 177, 179–80
Halifax, West Yorkshire 75
Hampshire 14 , 39, 60, 83, 86, 150
Hampstead Heath 157, 176
Hardwick, Elizabeth (Bess) of 64
hardy perennials 171–2
hare 68–71, 148 see also brown hare
harebell 87
hares-foot clover (Trifolium
arvense) 82
Hargreaves 74
harriers 148 see also hen harrier;
marsh harrier
Harrison, William 88
Harrow, Middlesex 80
harvest mouse 13, 190
hawks 54, 124, 148
hawkweed 87, 181
hawthorn 2, 42, 46, 51, 98, 104, 105 ,
106, 144, 167
hay 29–30, 33, 37–8, 42, 45, 49, 52,
91, 111, 146
‘leafy hay’ 20
hazel 2, 22, 46–7, 104, 171
heath/heathland 1, 9, 17, 19, 24–31,
25 , 37, 42, 95–101, 137,
143–4, 174, 186, 188
chalk-heaths 27–8
in champion countryside 6
common heaths 6, 15, 25
forestry plantations on 120, 122,
fuel sources 19, 26, 35, 87–8,
101, 188
geology of 26

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