An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650-1950

(Elle) #1

loss of 24, 26, 92, 95–9, 113, 126,
145, 178, 184, 187, 192
restoration 27, 188, 192
sheep-corn system 25, 27, 96,
species on 10, 24–5, 28, 131, 145,
153–4, 176
warrens on 25, 66, 101
wood-pasture 20, 27–8
heath milkwort (Polygala
serpyllifolia) 128
heath snail 31
heather or ling (Calluna vulgaris) 19,
24–9, 67 , 81, 88, 99–100,
123, 144–5, 148, 154,
178, 192
heather moorland 10, 123, 184
heavy metals 78, 82
hedges/hedgerows 6, 9–10, 26, 42–3,
46–52, 55, 57, 98, 113, 121,
126, 138, 140, 169, 173,
175, 178
coppicing 47–8, 48 , 104–5, 140
dating 46
firewood from 19, 46, 48 , 87–8,
104, 140
fruit trees in 50
in gardens 62, 127, 165, 172–3
hedged fields/closes 6, 17, 42,
104, 110
hedgerow pollards 50–2, 106
hedgerow trees 6, 49–52, 51 ,
57, 88, 106, 129, 131,
138, 142 , 142–3, 150,
175, 178
Hedgerows Regulations (1997) 185
laying/plashing 47–8, 47 , 104–5,
new hedges 104–7, 105 , 107 , 109,
112, 122, 126, 192
removal of 106, 107 , 112, 138,
140–2, 175, 183–7
wildlife corridors 48
around woodland 22
hedge sparrow 173, 177 see also
hedge woundwort 167
hedgebanks 116, 173
hedgehog 23, 53–4, 71–2, 174, 177

hemp 40
hen harrier 97, 100, 124, 154, 156,
186–7 see also harrier
herbicides 40, 87, 184, 190
herbivores 2–3
Herefordshire 14, 39, 86, 151
heron 32, 156, 177
Hertfordshire 55, 84, 101, 117,
169–70, 175
ancient oaks 129
chalk downland 30–1
chalk heath 28
farmland trees 50–1, 175
hedges 46, 48–9, 175
parks 128, 149, 149
rabbit warrens 15, 63, 64
wood-pasture commons 21, 99
high brown fritillary 23
high farming 94, 110–13, 140, 152
Highgate 80, 175, 178
Hill, Octavia 156–7
Himalayan balsam 132, 167–8,
hoary plantain (Plantago media) 30
hobbies 34
holly 22, 104
hollyhock 172, 179
hooded crow 180
Hooper, Max 46, 104
hornbeam 21–2, 22 , 24, 50–1, 62
horned pondweed (Zanichellia
palustris) 112
hornwort (Ceratophyllum
demersum) 112
horse chestnut 12, 62, 130
Horsford Heath, Norfolk 26, 35
Hoskyns, C. W. 112
hottentot fig 131
house cricket (Acheta domestica) 180
house martin 52, 162
house mouse 12–13, 53, 190
house sparrow 9, 53–5, 166, 173, 177
see also sparrow
Housing and Town Planning Act
(1909) 169
Housing and Town Planning Act
(1919) 169
Howard, Ebenzer 169
Hull 167
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