(^274) indeX
fox hunting 125–6
gravel-working 181
hedges 104
industry 61, 139, 170
suburbanization 170
Mill, John Stuart 156
mistle thrush 173, 177
mole 54, 174
monkey puzzle 130
moorhen 34, 110, 176–7, 179
moors 6, 17, 19, 24, 28–9, 37, 95,
100, 131, 137
birds on 10
fuel from 19, 29, 87, 188
golf courses on 178
heather moors 10, 29, 123, 184
management of 29, 123, 188
rabbits on 15
reclamation of 99–100
shooting on 123
tree-planting on 120–1, 152–3
Mosby, J. E. G. 142–3
mosquito (anopheles) 33, 101–2
moss dale 88
moss snail 31
mosses 24, 27, 161, 187
bog-moss (Sphagnum) 78, 123
clubmosses (Lycopodiella spp.) 81
drainage of 103
moths 28, 108, 134, 154, 162, 172,
mottled beauty (Boarmia
repandata) 162
Mousehold Heath 25
mudflats 31, 179
mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) 2, 167
muntjac deer (Muntiacus reevesi) 151,
mustelids 55
mute swan 177
Napier, Sir Charles 78
narcissus 171
National Nature Reserve 61, 85, 185
National Parks 158–9, 185
National Parks and Access to
the Countryside Act
(1949) 159, 185
National Trust 153, 157
National Vegetation Classification
(NVC) scheme 40
natterjack toad 28, 180
naturalized 11, 131, 174, 182, 189–90
Near East 11
Nene, river/valley 43 , 101
Neolithic 9
pre-Neolithic 2–3, 24, 191
Neolithic revolution 4
Nesfield, William Andrews 130
nettle (Urtica dioica) 2, 32, 61, 110
New Forest 88
Newbold, C. 34
Newcastle 26, 163
Newmarket Heath,
Cambridgeshire 28
nicotiana 172
Night Poaching Act (1817) 124
nightingale 23, 176
nightjar 28
nitrogen 25, 53, 78, 91, 93, 111
noble fir 130
Norden, John 26–7, 50
Norfolk 55, 60, 9 8, 112, 124, 141 ,
142 , 150, 153, 157
commons and heaths 21 , 26, 35,
88, 96, 144
coypu 151
decoys 65
gardens and parks 53, 62, 129
hedges and farmland trees 46,
49–51, 51 , 129, 142
landed estates 118 , 118, 138, 147
‘Marshland’ 32
nature reserves 157
orchards 151
rabbits and warrens 15–16, 109
woodland 22 , 119–20, 122
Norfolk Broads 32–4, 65, 102, 112,
146, 151, 188
Norfolk Four Course 91
Norman Conquest 9, 14, 16
North Downs 30
North York Moors 66, 123
North, Roger 65
Northamptonshire 56, 61, 63, 151
agriculture 42, 43 , 44–5, 45 ,
56, 109, 111
fox hunting 125