(^64) an environmenTal hisTory of Wildlife in england
by Elizabeth (‘Bess’) of Hardwick and her husbands in the 1570s. A deer
park lay around three sides of the mansion but the main view was across an
elaborate complex of fish ponds and out onto an extensive warren featuring
a number of pillow mounds. This arrangement survived even after the house
was rebuilt in fashionable Baroque style, and at great expense, by the Sixth
Earl at the very end of the seventeenth century.^24
parks, warrens, and decoys
Parks, warrens and other forms of ‘intermediate exploitation’, while they
frequently served as elements in designed landscapes, were also important
figure 13 An undated early seventeenth-century map of Sopwell House, near
St Albans in Hertfordshire, showing how the rabbit warren formed the principal
view from the house.