A (165)

(Wang) #1

Tu t o r i a l s

Discover nearby

attractions and weather

places in your
local area


s well as being the best navigation app
available for Android devices, Google Maps
does well at providing users with guides,
recommendations and general information about
the area around them in a clean and well-designed
interface.It’s a feature that’s been included in Maps
for some time, but it’s only been very recently that the
feature has become one of the premier things to
check out within the app. With more links to Google
Now, this discovery system is now surprisingly

in-depth and can help you obtain the information you
need for any thing from restaurants to the opening
times of a local park.
In this tutorial, we’ll be looking at how users can
initially set up the feature on their A ndroid dev ice
and where to find it from the start. Keep reading and
we will also point out how you can completely
personalise it to your exact needs, while also showing
you the best way to achieve even better integration
with Google Now.

Select any one of the results found in the
list to take a closer look at that establishment. On
each listing you can find general information, such
as opening times and contact numbers, as well as
a rating based on reviews from other users, and
exact directions to the location.

Get more information

To initiate the recommendation feature, you’ll
first need to find your current location. Press on the
white tracking icon at the bottom right of the screen
so that Map’s can triangulated your position. Once
located, press on the blue circle that marks your
location within the centre of the Maps interface.

Track your location

Under the weather report, two drop-downs
show a distance and time (such as ‘5 min walk’
and ‘Morning’). You can change these depending
on the time of day and distance you want to travel
to alter your results. Once revised, you may find
that more local attractions appear.

Filter results

A menu screen will appear asking to
specify your exact location from list of options –
ignore this. Instead you will want to choose the
Explore Nearby option, which will sit next to a
compass point icon, located at the bottom of the
menu, to begin discovering nearby attractions.

Where are you?

Dependingoniftheweathercard is
activatedwithinGoogleNow,thefirstthing you
should now see is a weather report for your local
area. Scroll down the list and you will initially see
recommendations for local businesses, such as
coffee shops, pubs and restaurants.


Works with » Varies with device

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