The formatting and length of the questionnaire are important details. The
questionnaire should include only essential questions because shorter ques-
tionnaires are more likely to be completed. Whenever possible, the questions
using numbered answers should be either circled or checked and should use
a consistent pattern throughout (Figure 10-1). There should be a balance
between positive and negative questions to decrease biased responses in sub-
jects (Sinkowitz-Cochran, 2013). Each research subject is assigned a research
identification number that should be on each page of the questionnaire in case
the pages get separated.
Questionnaires can be administered in person; on computers and hand-
held devices; and via telephone, interactive voice response, mail, and, increas-
ingly, email. Confidentiality is necessary to ensure that respondents not only
participate in the study but also answer questions honestly and without fear
of reprisal. It is desirable to have a good response rate, which is the percent-
age of questionnaires that are returned. Return rates can be increased when
a cover letter is included. The cover letter can provide an explanation or
brief description of the purpose of the research because respondents may be
more likely to participate if they perceive benefit to self or society. The letter
can also provide some brief instructions about how to complete the survey
(Meadows, 2003).
E-questionnaires are growing in popularity and may be used as a strategy
to enhance response rates (Hunter, 2012). Low response rates can lead to bias
because samples may not be representative. A variety of factors can influence
whether subjects complete a questionnaire. Not all subjects are able to respond
to questionnaires. For example, young children, people who are blind, and
many elders who are frail or cognitively impaired may have difficulty complet-
ing questionnaires. Questionnaires that are long, hard to understand, or time
consuming are not likely to be completed. Using appropriate colors, fonts,
and white space can improve the likelihood that individuals will complete a
questionnaire. Thanking respondents for their participation at the end of the
- I understand how evidence can be used to improve practice.
- I have to study a lot in my nursing research course.
Yes____ No____
- Nursing research is interesting to me. No____
FIGURE 10-1 Example of Easy, Consistent Survey Design
10.2 Collecting Quantitative Data 257