If there are risks to subjects, those risks must be clearly
detailed and include any physical, emotional, spiritual,
economic, social, or legal risks.
There are other factors to consider when obtaining in-
formed consent. Informed consents should be written in
simple language. If subjects cannot read, forms should be
read to potential subjects. For subjects who speak English
as a second language, consent forms should be read by an
interpreter or written in the subjects’ native language. Subjects should have suf-
ficient time to carefully think about whether or not to participate. Both subjects
and researchers must sign consent forms after researchers assure subjects that
participation is voluntary. Consent forms should not be kept with data; this protects
subjects’ confidentiality. A copy of the signed form should also be given to subjects.
There can be some unique circumstances for obtaining informed consent. For
example, if there is minimal risk associated with participation in the study, the
IRB may not require the signing of consent forms. Rather, it may be required
that a statement indicating that completion and submission of the survey im-
ply that the subject is giving informed consent. With vulnerable populations,
the researcher needs to have clearly stated guidelines as to how the informed
consent will be obtained (Polit & Beck, 2014).
Title of study
Invitation to participate in the research study
Participation is voluntary
Basis for subject selection
Purpose of study
Explanation of procedures
Benefits and risks
Alternatives to participation
Financial obligations/compensation
Confidentiality assurance
HIPAA disclosure
Subject withdrawal without penalty or consequences
Offer to answer questions
Consent statement
Identification of researchers
Modified from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
(2009). Code of Federal Regulations. Title 45: Public welfare. Part 46:
Protection of human subjects. Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov
BOX 11-2
Mandatory Components
of Consent Forms
When inviting subjects to participate in
studies, researchers must obtain informed
consent, with particular regard for vulnerable
populations. With children, nurses should
obtain assent. Nurses should also maintain
anonymity and confidentiality as well as avoid
coercion when sampling.
304 CHAPTER 11 Using Samples to Provide Evidence