Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

(Ben Green) #1
At the end of this section, you will be able to:
‹ List interdisciplinary databases that can provide evidence for practice
‹ Use the 5 Ss to locate evidence in a logical fashion

12.2 Using the Pyramid of the 5 Ss

for Evidence-Based Practice

Because the purpose of EBP is to answer clinical questions,
and the goal is to efficiently find information, nurses should
begin the search for information at the top of the pyramid
and work down the various levels. The best option is having
a system already in place that brings the information to the
nurse. However, because such systems are not very common,
the next best source of evidence is integrative summaries. If
you are unable to locate summaries of the evidence, you should
attempt to locate synopses of the evidence in Evidence-Based
Nursing (http://ebn.bmjjournals.com) or another selected
evidence-based journal. If you are unable to find what you
need there, you should look for systematic and other types
of reviews of the literature. The Cochrane Library (http://
http://www.cochrane.org) is a good place to begin. When none
of these are available, you must rely on individual studies,
case studies, and concept analyses. Box 12-2 presents a
multidisciplinary list of online resources that can assist in
accessing all levels of evidence.

Fortunately, few ethical dilemmas arise
when considering use of evidence. When
nurses find evidence that can be applied to
practice, they must consider changes care-
fully because lives are at stake; however, it is
unethical not to adopt practice guidelines
when the evidence is clear.

Because the purpose of EBP is to answer clini-
cal questions, and the goal is to efficiently find
information, nurses should begin the search
for information at the top of the pyramid and
work down the various levels. The best option
is having a system already in place that brings
the information to the medical record.

  1. Which of the following are considered to be at the bottom top of the 5 Ss?
    a. Meta-analyses
    b. Concept analyses
    c. Synopses
    d. Systems

  2. The systematic review involves which of the following? (Select all that apply.)
    a. Methodical review of the literature
    b. Obtaining published and unpublished sources
    c. Creating a grid for summarizing data collection
    d. Establishing inclusion criteria


How did you do? 1. b; 2. a, b, c, d

320 CHAPTER 12 Other Sources of Evidence

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