Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

(Ben Green) #1

convergent testing A test for construct validity
in which new instruments are administered at the
same time as an instrument known to be valid;
scores of the two instruments are compared,
and strong, positive correlations indicate good

correlated t test A variation of the t test used
when there is only one group or when the groups
are related; paired t test

correlation coefficient An estimate, ranging
from 0.00 to +1.00, that indicates the reliability of
an instrument; a statistic used to describe the rela-
tionship between two variables

correlational designs Nonexperimental designs
used to study relationships among two or more

cost-benefit ratio Comparison of benefits to
potential costs that might result from change

count data The raw number of health phenom-
ena under investigation in epidemiology

covary When change in one variable is associ-
ated with change in another variable

credibility One of four criteria for establishing
a trustworthy qualitative study; refers to the truth
or believability of findings

criterion-related validity Degree to which the
observed score and the true score are related

critical thinking Skill set that involves critical
appraisal of information

Cronbach’s alpha A test for instrument reliabil-
ity used with interval or ratio items; all items are
simultaneously compared using a computer

crossover designs Experimental designs that use
two or more treatments; subjects receive treat-
ments in a random order

cross-sectional Nonexperimental design used to
gather data from a group of subjects at only one
point in time; study design to measure exposure
and disease as each exists in a population or rep-
resentative sample at one specific point of time

cycle of scientific development A model of the
scientific process

data reduction The simplification of large
amounts of data obtained from qualitative inter-
views or other sources
data saturation In qualitative research, the
time when no new information is being obtained
and repetition of information is consistently
Declaration of Helsinki An international stan-
dard providing physician guidelines for conduct-
ing biomedical research
deductive reasoning Thinking that moves from
the general to the particular
degrees of freedom A statistical concept used to
refer to the number of sample values that are free
to vary; n – 1
dependability One of four criteria for a trust-
worthy qualitative study that relates to consistency
in the findings over time; auditability; findings are
reflective of data
dependent variable Outcome or variable
that is influenced by the independent variable;
Y variable
descriptive correlational designs Correlational
design type used to explain the relationship
among the variables or groups using a nondirec-
tional hypothesis
descriptive designs Designs that provide a
picture of a situation as it is naturally happening
without manipulation of any of the variables
descriptive epidemiology Examination of the
distribution of disease in a population in terms of
person, place, and time
descriptive research A category of research that
is concerned with providing accurate descriptions
of phenomena
descriptive statistics Collection and presenta-
tion of data that explain characteristics of vari-
ables found in a sample
descriptive studies Nonexperimental studies
used to provide information about a phenomenon
determinants Factors that are capable of bring-
ing a change in health

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