Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses

(Ben Green) #1

point prevalence The number of existing cases of
disease in a population at a particular point in time

popular literature Works written to inform or
entertain the general public

population The entire group of elements that
meet study inclusion criteria

population parameters Characteristics of a
population that are inferred from characteristics
of a sample

positional operators Terms that specify the
number of words that can appear between search

position of the median Calculated by using the
formula (n + 1)/2, where n is the number of data
values in the set

positive predictive value The probability that
a person who screens positive actually has the

positively skewed A distribution in which the
mean is greater than the median and the mode;
the longer tail is pointing to the right

posters A scholarly venue for disseminating

power analysis A statistical method used to
determine the acceptable sample size that will best
detect the true effect of the independent variable

practice guidelines Systematically developed
statements to assist healthcare providers with
making appropriate decisions about health care
for specific clinical circumstances

preceptors Knowledgeable nurses who provide
clinical orientation for new employees

precision A search strategy that narrows the pa-
rameters of the search

predictive correlational design Correlational
design when researchers hypothesize which vari-
ables are predictors or outcomes

predictive research Research that forecasts
precise relationships between dimensions of phe-
nomena or differences between groups

predictive validity A test for criterion-related
validity where a new instrument is given at two

different times and scores are correlated; strong
positive correlations indicate good validity
preexperimental A posttest-only design that
involves manipulation of the independent variable
but lacks control for extraneous variables
presentations Scholarly oral presentations to
disseminate new knowledge
prevalence The number of existing cases of dis-
ease present in the population
primary sources Original information presented
by the person or people responsible for creating it
print index Printed listing of electronic or print
probability Likelihood or chance that an event
will occur in a situation
probability sampling Sampling method in
which elements in the accessible population have
an equal chance of being selected for inclusion in
the study
problem statement A formal statement describ-
ing the problem addressed in the study
professionalism A set of behaviors that exem-
plify the role of the professional nurse
proportion A type of ratio where the numerator
is included in the denominator
proposition A statement about the relationship
between two or more concepts
propositional knowledge The science of nursing
or knowledge that is obtained from research and
prospective designs Studies over time with pre-
sumed causes that follow subjects to determine
whether the hypothesized effects actually occur
psychometrics The development of instruments
to measure psychological attributes
purpose statement A statement indicating the
aim of the study
purposive sampling Nonprobability sampling
method used in qualitative studies to select a dis-
tinct group of individuals who either have lived
the experience or have expertise in the event or
experience being studied; sampling method to

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