combat aircraft

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runways — if any runway at all — would
have lessened the response time to
calls for close air support (CAS). Blot
summarizes, ‘That was the reason we
were so hot after something like what
turned out to be the Harrier. We would
have taken anything that could do that,
but the Harrier actually turned out to
be the  rst V/STOL [airplane] that was
operationally e ective.’

Developments overseas
The same year Pate made his call for
an all-V/STOL tactical force, British
designers had initiated work on what
was to become the Harrier, though the
two events were unconnected. The

design, dubbed P1127, was foreseen
as a means of giving NATO air arms the
ability to use roads as runways and avoid
being ‘sitting ducks’ for Soviet attacks
on conventional air elds. With two test
airframes having undergone successful
 ight trials in 1960 and 1961, a tripartite
group including the UK, West Germany
and the US came together to evaluate
a militarized variant of the P1127: the
Kestrel FGA1. Curiously, the American
component of the Kestrel evaluation
team included representatives from the
army, air force and navy, but not the
Marine Corps. The evaluation ended
with West Germany and the US walking
away and the Royal Air Force being

the only con rmed customer for the
resultant Harrier.
Based around the Rolls-Royce Pegasus
engine, which relied on thrust-vectoring
nozzles to transition the aircraft between
forward and vertical  ight, the Harrier
held the promise of helping the marines
progress toward their V/STOL vision.
This was realized by then-Col Tom
Miller, who in 1966 was serving at
Marine Corps headquarters as the Air
Weapons Systems Branch head. Miller,
along with Lt Col Bud Baker, visited the
UK at Hawker Siddeley’s invitation to  y
the Harrier and evaluate its relevance
to marine aviation. Upon returning,
they expressed their enthusiasm for the

Above: While the
initial cadre of
Marine Corps
Harrier pilots
was extremely
it wasn’t long
before junior
offi cer and
crossovers from
started training.


60 November 2018 //^

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