Aviation News. 05.2018

(Axel Boer) #1


o.617 Sqn re-formed at
its wartime home of RAF
Scampton, Lincolnshire, on May
1, 1958 with Vulcan B.1s, armed
with nuclear and conventional weapons.
For success it relied on speed from four
Bristol Olympus 101 engines, altitude and
the combined skills of its pilot, co-pilot,

navigator-plotter, navigator-radar and an air
electronics operator.
Retired Wg Cdr, then Sqn Ldr Darrell
Hamley was already an experienced bomber
captain before  ying the big delta. “As soon
as I saw the Vulcan prototype for the  rst time
in 1952, [I thought] it was a gorgeous aircraft.
I thought ‘I love that airplane’. Afterwards,

whenever asked what I wanted to  y next,
I just kept saying, Vulcan, Vulcan, Vulcan.
Eventually someone gave in and they posted
me to the Operational Conversion Unit.”
He joined 617 Sqn as a  ight commander
in June 1959. “It was a lovely aeroplane,
totally delightful, with a vast amount of
power. The easiest aeroplane to land you
could wish for.” Darrell  ew all three versions
of the Vulcan: B.1 during conversion, B.1
and B.1A with 617 Sqn and later the B.2.
He was clearly impressed with its  ying
dynamics: “The B.1 handled like a dream. At
40,000ft it could do steep turns very happily.
When the rear fuselage ECM [electronic
countermeasures] bulge was added it
became the B.1A and slightly changed the
handling qualities. On the B.1 you just gave
her a boot of rudder and she went round. On
the B.1A you had to try a bit harder, but it was
still OK.”

As part of the UK’s nuclear deterrent 617 Sqn
soon began to regularly  y training missions
across the world. There were single aircraft
‘Ranger’  ights to the Middle East, Africa
and elsewhere. On October 14, 1959, 617
Sqn undertook the  rst of many ‘round the
world tours’ taking a trio of Vulcans to New


o.617 Sqn re-formed at navigator-plotter, navigator-radar and an air whenever asked what I wanted to  y next,

In 1958 the arrival of the Avro Vulcan placed 617 Sqn fi rmly back

in the long-range strategic bomber role. Dr Kevin Wright talks

with former crew members about their experiences on the unit.



42 Aviation News incorporating Jets May 2018


Scramble! The crew of a 617 Sqn Vulcan running to board their aircraft during an exercise
at Scampton in 1960. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, V-Force units were placed on Quick
Reaction Alert (instant readiness) duties. Key Collection

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