combat aircraft

(Amelia) #1
I’ve got 104 per cent manning right now
— so we can handle a few extras. This is
thanks in part to the fact that IFF is only
eight weeks long — we can be versatile
and spontaneous — while the other
squadrons that might have a student for
six months to a year are probably not as
Looking at the bigger picture, Macasek
says: ‘If I had a 19-year-old sitting in front
of me right now, asking why he or she
should become a pilot, I would say that it is
the greatest job in the world. It’s dynamic
— even though you might fly the same
exact mission from one day to the next

it’s never identical. The people that you
work with are some of the best people in
the world; you’ll not find people in this
line of work who are slackers because
we can’t afford that. It’s very professional
and guys take a lot of pride in what they
do. Because you have a red button or
a red trigger in a fast jet there’s a huge
responsibility and you have great power,
so you have to be able to manage not
only that power but also understand
the seriousness of the situation. I don’t
think there are many other professions,
especially outside the medical world,
where you make one wrong move and
you can end somebody’s life.
‘You’re outside on a beautiful day, in
blue skies, pulling g like an exercise
program. You become at one with the
aeroplane and nature and yet, at the
same time, you’re also a steely-eyed
killer and you have a huge effect on the
outcomes of your given mission. That’s
what I would tell a young guy in front of
me, and I can’t wait to train them... Line
them up!’

‘We are still very much in the
brainstorming phase. They’re asking
commanders like myself to think
outside the container and come up
with creative solutions.
‘Of course, retention of the pilots that
we have is a priority in the mix. When
the airlines are hiring we always lose
pilots. When there are no jobs on the
outside that’s when everybody wants
to be back in the air force.
‘Here at the 49th, it’s not too much
of a headache to react to the ebb and
flow of the pilot quota demands. I
can simply pick up the phone and call
the Air Force Personnel Center and
tell them that our jets are doing well,
that the course is healthy and that

Left: The T-38
has proven to
be a fabulous
performer for the
USAF, however
it is showing its
age and is in
desperate need of
Below: While the
T-38 simulator is
effective, the T-X
solution will be
an evolution in
the way the USAF

28-35 Black Knights.indd 35 20/05/2018 11:23

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