combat aircraft

(Amelia) #1
con ict zones, its crews are regularly in
harm’s way, often  ying in extremely
adverse conditions considered more
hazardous than actual combat theaters.
Aviators in the coast guard take a
relatively long path to gaining their
wings. It begins with the Coast Guard
Academy — a four-year training college
— or through o cer candidate school, a
17-week course where o cer candidates
get their  rst taste of coast guard life.
Upon graduation, many are selected
for  ight training with the US Navy
at Pensacola, Florida. The timeline to
becoming a quali ed pilot post-academy
graduation is typically one-and-a-half
to two years. Upon receipt of their
wings they are o cially designated as
naval aviators. // July 2018 81

80-83 USCG Clearwater C.indd 81 22/05/2018 09:55

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