aviation - the past, present and future of flight

(Barry) #1


peration Thunderbolt on July
4, 1976 still stands as one of
the most ambitious hostage
rescues the world has ever
seen. The previous week, on June 27, an Air
France Airbus A300 had been hijacked by
Palestinian terrorists on a service between
Tel Aviv and Paris.
The airliner eventually ended up in
Uganda where the hijackers were welcomed
by the country’s then president Idi Amin.
Some non-Israeli hostages were released
but around 100 people remained, including
the airliner’s crew.
Israel launched a courageous long-
distance rescue using its special forces
and air force C-130s. While guns blazed
on the ground at Entebbe International

Airport, Boeing 707s and  ight crews of the
120th Squadron were also involved in the
One Boeing contained medical facilities
and landed at Jomo Kenyatta International
Airport in Nairobi, Kenya, waiting for any
casualties to arrive. The second  ew the
skies of Uganda, carrying the commander of
the operation, General Yekutiel Adam, and
the Israeli Air Force (IAF) commander, Major
General Benny Peled. It was a forward
command post. The mission was regarded
as a success, although four hostages were
killed. All the hijackers died.

In 1971 when Israel Aircraft Industries (later
Israel Aerospace Industries, IAI) decided

to expand its Bedek Aviation division,
which concentrated on maintenance and
conversions. Thirteen 707-124s were
purchased from TWA’s surplus inventory, all
with substantial  ight hours. By October 1973,
Bedek had renovated and sold seven, while
the others were in various stages of renewal.
On October 6, 1973, when the Yom
Kippur War erupted, the IAF was in
desperate need of large transport aircraft
to take armed troops and equipment to and
from the Sinai Peninsula.
Two of the renovated former TWA aircraft
were taken on loan from IAI; (sub-model
131) and Continental (sub-model 124),
equipped with the JT3C engines. These two
were tail numbered 009 and 006, and served
with the 120th Sqn, also known as The



54 Aviation News incorporating Jets June 2018



peration Thunderbolt on July Airport, Boeing 707s and  ight crews of the to expand its Bedek Aviation division,


Israel’s raid at Uganda’s Entebbe airport in the summer of 1976 to free

hostages saw Boeing 707s involved in the operation, as Noam Menashe

explains during this review of the type in Israeli service.

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