aviation - the past, present and future of flight

(Barry) #1
terminal attack controllers (JTACs). We are to
circulate them around the battle eld, so they
have a better idea of what they’re up against.”
In a wider context he added: “Our four big
missions are resupply; air movement of troops,
where we can carry up to 30 passengers,
air assault which again can involve carrying
troops or up to 20,000lb [9,072kg] of equipment
internally or externally and then we do a
‘Fat Cow’ operation which allows us to refuel
vehicles and aircraft from a ground position.” He
also stated that during his unit’s time in Europe
it will be relieving some of the pressure on the
Chinook force of the 12th Combat Aviation
Brigade (12th CAB), which is permanently
stationed at Katterbach, and has been stretched
thin with taskings across Europe.
Aeromedical evacuation (MEDEVAC) is
undertaken by Charlie Company (C/2-227th
AVN), the Witch Doctors, which operates the
HH-60M Black Hawk. The 15 examples in
theatre are providing aeromedical evacuation
support. They provide emergency transport
of medical personnel and equipment plus
medical resupply to troops.

The 1st ACB’s last  ying sub-unit is
known as Spearhead, a speci c assault

battalion with a  eet of 30 UH-60Ms, all
of which have travelled to Europe. The
3rd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 227th
Aviation Regiment (3-227th AVN [ASLT])
is split into three  ying companies: Alpha
(A/3-227th AVN) the Werewolves, Bravo
(B/3-227 AVN) the Jokers and Charlie
(C/3-227 AVN) the Ghostriders. Sixteen
of the UH-60Ms are detached to Illesheim
whilst the other 14 are in Eastern Europe.
Five were  own into Lielvaˉrde AB in Latvia,

four to Wrocław before relocating to Powidz
and the remaining  ve forward deployed
from Illesheim to Mihail Koga ̆ lniceanu AB in
Crews will conduct air assault training
with UH-60Ms carrying troops to an
operating area where they will seize and
held key terrain to engage with enemy
forces behind enemy lines. The main
event for this was Exercise Dynamic Front
at Grafenwoehr, held over February 23 to
March 10. This exercise was speci cally
about assault and also involved participation
from the Apache companies. Whilst there,
the 3-227th conducted further drills that
included slope operation training and
landings as well as sling loading, whilst
working with Polish, Romanian and Latvian
air forces and armies.
The 1st ACB European rotation is intended
to ensure the unit can work seamlessly with
allied forces. Captain Federwisch said: “Our
primary mission here is to train with our
partners, build those relationships and be
a deterrence to anybody who might want to
show aggression towards our allies.”
In June/July the 1st ACB is due to head
back to America and will be replaced by
another unit.

‘In total, 1st

ACB’s deployment

comprised over 700

pieces of equipment,

1,900 personnel

and 89 aircraft.’

http://www.aviation-news.co.uk 69

Above: Members of the 615th Aviation Support
Battalion hot refuel a B/2-227th AVN CH-47F
Below: An Apache Guardian departing Hohenfels
for a sortie. Darren Wilmin/Aviation in Action

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