aviation - the past, present and future of flight

(Michael S) #1
mission,” said Brieger. “The aircraft can
actually reach the stratosphere – it has a
ceiling of 51,000ft. It also has a range of
8,500nm, depending on the payload.”
Brieger explained the G550 was chosen for
the HALO platform after a thorough analysis.
The relevant research institutes gave DLR a
list of capabilities they required and a shortlist
of suitable aircraft was drawn up.
“This was mainly driven by the
atmospheric research community,” he
revealed. “We were looking for an aircraft
with a very high ceiling, a lengthy endurance
and the ability to carry a large payload.
In the early 2000s, when the decision
was made, the two airframers that were
capable of producing such an aircraft were
Bombardier and Gulfstream. Gulfstream has
a long heritage of special-mission aircraft.”

HALO is no ordinary G550, featuring a
plethora of special modi cations. Some
of this work was carried out by Gulfstream
in Savannah and some was completed in-
house by DLR.
“In the fuselage we have in the order
of 30 breakthroughs for trace gas inlets
and antennas; that was done partly by
Gulfstream and partly by RUAG here [in
Oberpfaffenhofen], just across the air eld,”
Brieger revealed. “Modi cations such as

the belly pod, PMS [particle measurement
system] carriers and end of wing pods were
developed by DLR.”

At the lower end of the spectrum, DLR operates
a Cessna Caravan from Oberpfaffenhofen,
which it uses as a  ying classroom. The
single-engine turboprop is used to provide
an introductory course in  ight testing for
aeronautical students from universities
around Germany. It is equipped with seven
workstations in the cabin, providing each
student with their own individual display, which
they can con gure to their own requirements.
“It displays all the relevant  ight
parameters in real time and it is recorded
in the data acquisition system for post- ight
analysis etc,” explained Brieger.

http://www.aviation-news.co.uk 37

Main photo: The largest aircraft in the  eet is
Airbus A320 D-ATRA. AirTeamImages.com/
Above left: The G550 is fuelled up prior to
another sortie.
Above right: Some of the modi cations to the
G550 were carried out in-house.

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