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Right: No.3 Sqn was one of the
three founder squadrons of the
Royal Flying Corps and included
‘Larkhill 1912’, the year and
location it was established, in
markings on its 100th anniversary
jet in 2012. It also wears the unit’s
motto: ‘The third shall be first’
along the spine, a reference to No.3
Squadron, RFC, being the first to
be equipped with heavier-than-air
machines. Nigel Blake

Left: Stylish markings were applied by 11 Sqn
to mark its 100th anniversary in 2015. Peter
R Foster
Below: Typhoon ZK315 wears markings to
highlight the 100th anniversary of 41(R) Sqn
in 2016. The tail includes Battle Honours and
the rudder features silhouettes of aircraft
with significant unit history. On the canards
are the first and third words of 41(R)’s motto
‘Seek’ and ‘Destroy’. AirTeamImages.com/Ray

No.17(R) Sqn applied special
tail markings to ZJ947 in 2013 to
mark it relinquishing the role as the
Typhoon Operational Evaluation Unit.
This task passed to 41(R) Sqn while 17(R)
Sqn moved to the US to undertake test and
evaluation work on the F-35. Nigel Blake

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