Scale aviation modeller international

(Axel Boer) #1
overall coat of Alclad Grey Primer
followed by that manufacturer’s
Polished Aluminium. Over this I
airbrushed Colourcoats enamel
ACLW16 (RLM66), and before it
had dried thoroughly, selective
areas were ”washed” to reveal the
aluminium beneath the enamel
and so replicate wear on the floor,
seat, and panel edges and levers.
Lighter mixes of the original
colour were then applied as
highlights before it was all sealed
with a coat of satin enamel varnish
from the Humbrol range.

One would expect construction
of such perfectly proportioned
plastic parts to proceed without
difficulty, and such was indeed the
case with Eduard’s new Würger.
With the resin interior snuggly
sandwiched between the fuselage
halves, the wings slotted into
place without difficulty (despite
my having slightly altered the
insertion process of the wing root

gun bays, as described above).
A resin firewall section – part
of the fuselage gun set (648354)

  • fitted comfortably within the
    exposed nose, and to that were
    affixed a pair of magazines for the
    cowling-mounted machine guns.
    It should be noted that if you are
    fitting the two resin ammunition
    magazines, which are included
    in the fuselage gun set (648354),
    then you need not cement Part
    A22 to the upper part of the wheel
    bay during wing assembly.
    The magazines were modified
    slightly by using the brass ejector
    chutes, supplied as part of the
    etched exterior detail set (48937).
    Once folded, these provide hollow
    chutes as opposed to the solid resin
    items, or the plastic items in the
    ProfiPak. The latter etched set also
    includes some small additions to
    the internal walls of the wheel
    bays, and these brass components
    too were glued in place to add a
    little more detail to the already
    well-furnished, multi-part bays.
    It was only towards the end
    of the build, when adding the
    undercarriage, that I discovered
    that the small lengths of brass
    ”wiring” I had affixed to the
    front edge of the wheel bays (as
    per the instructions provided
    in the detail set), hampered the
    fitting of the brass legs. I had to
    remove them and then repaint
    the forward edge of the bays.
    Airframe assembly then
    proceeded with the addition of the
    tailplanes and separately-moulded
    ailerons and elevators. The rudder
    is also separately moulded, but this
    was left off to facilitate painting.
    Once everything had set, an
    elaborate mask was created from
    tape, cardboard, and masking fluid,
    to protect the pre-painted nose
    interior and firewall and to provide a
    purchase point to hold the airframe
    during the subsequent painting.
    The forward part of the canopy
    was also added at this stage and





014-21-FEAT-Fw190-0518.indd 18 13/04/2018 14:

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