Scale aviation modeller international

(coco) #1
might need Novus 3 (green bottle),
which is more abrasive than Novus

  1. It would probably be best to
    purchase the entire trio set of Novus
    products, as this is actually cheaper
    than buying them individually.

Now came time to paint the model,
which was a part I was really
looking forward to. First, I painted
the band around the fuselage XF-21
Sky. After it had dried properly,
I masked it off and painted the
underside. I painted the panel
lines XF-8 Flat Blue, to be a subtler
pre-shading colour for the lighter

underside grey than my normal
black. I then painted the entire
underside XF-83 Medium Sea Grey.
The grey on the upper surface
was painted XF-82 Ocean Grey.
This has a nice bluish tint to it that
I really liked, but other modellers
may feel that a more grey tone
would be more appropriate for
this subject. Lastly, I painted the
green areas XF-81 Dark Green
2 (RAF). After I had painted the
overall surface colour Dark Green,
I added a bit of yellow to the mix
to provide a slightly faded tone.
I was thrilled with the end
result of my hours
of painting and

prep work. With little to no touch
ups necessary came the last, and
most difficult colour – yellow.
Yellow is a particularly difficult
colour to paint. I needed to take
the proper steps to ensure the
paint would lay down properly and
bring out the best resolution of the
colour. After masking the model,
I painted the yellow area XF-2 Flat
White. This would provide a good
base coat for the yellow to lay down
on, and help the yellow come out

brighter. I decanted Tamiya TS-16
Yellow, and thinned it a bit more
with lacquer thinner. Taking my
time, I carefully and slowly layered
the yellow paint onto the model.
I was hoping to avoid any
buildup of the paint next to the
tape’s edge. Unfortunately, despite
my best efforts this still happened.
I mulled over the thought of wet
sanding the area, but then I found
another solution. I took the back of
my hobby knife and gently scraped


018-25-FEAT-Stang-0218.indd 22 12/01/2018 11:50

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