Scale aviation modeller international

(coco) #1
enough to cover the underlying
colour changes; the roundels in
particular would have benefited
from white backing circles.
I limited weathering to a panel
wash on the upper surfaces, and
some selective pastel staining
around the gun ports, exhausts,
and undercarriage bays.

The pre-painted and detailed
undercarriage fitted without
drama, with the wheels set at their
characteristic inward camber.
I added the aerials and some
scratch-built door actuators, and
touched up the paint as needed.

This kit is something of a curate’s
egg; the resin and photo-etched
parts are spectacular, and reward
care in building, but they don’t really
fit. The plastic is showing its age,
with some soft features, and where
external detail is moulded in relief
(like flap actuators), they’re shallow,
indistinct, and sadly, fit is mediocre.
Notwithstanding what might
appear to be condemnation, it’s
worth remembering that this isn’t a
Spitfire, Hurricane, Me 109, or Fw 190,
where a manufacturer might expect
to sell tens of thousands of kits, with
all the expectations that that might
create. It is a limited-run item
which can be made into
a very credible model
of an unsung type that
deserves attention. Just
don’t expect it to fall together.
The kit’s main problem is
in the wrestling that’s needed
to get the resin cockpits to fit,
with the ever-present danger of
cutting through the fuselage sides,
or ending up with a pile of resin
bits as more and more is carved

away. It really appears that the
resin parts have been designed in
complete isolation to the plastic.
Nevertheless, with care and
patience this kit can be made into an
excellent model, with great detail –
not one for beginners perhaps, but
nothing some modelling skill can’t
overcome. A disappointment is that,

given the quality of the interior detail,
it’s a shame that Special Hobby or
the aftermarket haven’t yet made
it easier to open the canopies.
Recommended to fans of FAA.
I already fancy a small collection
of 1/48 FAA aircraft myself....
Thanks to Special Hobby and
importer CMK Kits for the review kit.


  • Fairey Fulmar MK.s I, II, NF MK.II,
    TT MK.II, Bruce Robertson and
    Mike Hooks, 4+ Publications.
    2001. ISBN 80-902559-5-7.

  • Fairey Fulmar. Geoffrey Bussy,
    Warpaint Series No. 41.

  • Fairey Fulmar MK.s I and II. David
    Brown, Aircraft Profile 254. 1973.


026-31-FEAT-Fulmar-0218.indd 30 12/01/2018 12:41

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