American Iron Garage – July-August 2019

(Barré) #1


Homebuilt in the heartland

We were lucky enough to have a
Top Gun photographer on-site. Thanks
to Don Kates we share with you a
sampling of the day. Be sure to check

support members of the military, law
enforcement, and their families. On
Saturday, June 22, everything was
focused on providing a highly success-
ful event that delivers on that objective.
Many people donated time, money, and
emotions to doing the right thing. The
goal of the event is to make a difference
in the lives of our American heroes and
their families. It’s also a time to ride, get
to know each other a little better, share
stories, put on a bike show, and have
some fun!
Over 4,500 bikes turned out over-
all, and after the noontime ride, some
participants ventured over to the Ga-
rage Build Bike Show area. The show

EVENT^ • By Steve Lita, Photos by Don Kates/Shooters Images

2019 Patriot Ride

Garage Build Show

Garage Build magazine was invited to attend the recent

Patriot Ride at Lynx FBO Anoka County Airport in Minnesota.

This year, the Patriot Ride put on an event-within-an-event

and hosted a Garage Build Bike Show.

out the upcoming issue of American Iron
Salute for more.
The Patriot Ride’s primary mis-
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