
(Elliott) #1


he starling seems an
unexceptional bird,
but gather thousands
together into a mur-
muration (named
for the sound of a multitude
of rapidly beating wings) and
they become the grandest show
in the sky. A murmuration in
f light looks a bit like an amoeba
on steroids as it morphs through
a never-ending sequence of
complex shapes. (Type “murmu-
ration” into a web browser and
play a video. Now. Really!)
Why do starlings do what
they do? Ancient Romans
believed that starlings foretold
the will of the gods. The word
auspicious comes from the Latin
auspicium, or “divination by
observing the f light of birds.” In
the 1930s, ornithologist
Edmund Selous asserted that
starlings are telepathic. Even
today, biologist Rupert
Sheldrake attributes starling
behavior to his hypothetical
“morphic resonances.”
The real answer is a lot cooler!
Some of computing’s most
revolutionary and frankly fun
contributions to science have
come from an ability to answer
seemingly straightforward ques-
tions like, “When you combine
lots of simple things into a
larger system, what happens?”
The f locking behavior of star-
lings is a gorgeous example.
Individual starlings all obey
the same few f light rules: Watch
your seven nearest neighbors.
Fly toward each other, but don’t
crowd. If any of your neighbors
turn, turn with them.
Simplicity itself, right? But
now put a bunch of virtual star-
lings into a computer, each pro-
grammed to obey those same
rules, turn the crank, and see
what happens. There are no


A murmuration of starlings

Emergence and the unity of science.

gods, telepathy, or morphic reso-
nances at work in the computer
simulation. Even so, the com-
puter-simulated f lock behaves
exactly like the real thing!
In December 2017, the story
came full circle when those
mesmerizing f locks of virtual
birds took wing — or rather
propeller — back into the real
sky. Artists Lonneke Gordijn
and Ralph Nauta programmed
300 drones to obey starling
flight rules, then turned them
loose above Miami Beach, much
to the wonderment of onlook-
ers. Welcome to the burgeoning
science of emergence.

By definition, an emergent
property is one that is possessed
by a system as a whole but not
by the components from which
the system is made. While com-
puter simulations of emergence
may be a fairly new thing, the
idea of emergence has been cru-
cial to science for a long time.
At one extreme, physics is a
remarkably successful quest for
a few fundamental rules
describing how matter and
energy behave. At the other
extreme, physics encompasses a
complex universe filled with
stars, planets, galaxies, and
much more. That’s quite a

chasm, but we don’t have to
jump. Near the first end,
nuclear physics emerges from
interactions among particles.
Atomic physics emerges when
nuclei and electrons interact.
Chemistry emerges from com-
plex electromagnetic interac-
tions among atoms. On things
go as step by step, emergence
bridges the divide, unifying
science into a coherent whole.
Full disclosure: Like most
scientists, when I talk about
emergence, I mean physics-is-
you emergence. Philosophers

often mean a very different woo-
emergence. Mischief managed!
You might guess that emer-
gence would be uncommon, but
actually it’s hard to avoid. From
chemical reactions, to weather
patterns, to the beating of your
heart, emergence is ubiquitous
in the world around us. (As you
read this, somewhere an unan-
ticipated emergent behavior is
costing an engineer her sanity.)
And when life emerges from
the chemistry of molecules
that encode and replicate
information, things get really

interesting. Inventing emer-
gent properties is sort of evolu-
tion’s gig.
Starlings have one more
f light rule: If you spot a preda-
tor, f ly away! As a falcon dives,
the first starlings to notice
hightail it. Their neighbors
quickly respond, then their
neighbors’ neighbors respond,
and so on. Before the falcon
even arrives, birds throughout
the murmuration are f lying
about in chaotic, unpredictable
ways in response to a predator
that only a few have even seen.
Surrounded by prey but unable
to single out an individual tar-
get, the fastest raptor on the
planet usually goes home
It turns out that watching
seven neighbors is a sweet spot
where the strategy works best.
So when the falcon comes to
visit, any starlings tracking
something other than seven
neighbors make easier targets.
The falcon is more than happy
to remove the nonconformists
from the gene pool. Thus did
evolution happen upon and
fine-tune the starlings’ success-
ful emergent strategy.
It is hard to count the num-
ber of times throughout history
when authorities have pointed
to a gap in then-current knowl-
edge about the natural world
and proclaimed, “This is obvi-
ously beyond the reach of sci-
ence!” Science seldom fails to
answer such a challenge, and
quite often it is emergence that
fills the gap. To be honest,
there aren’t an awful lot of gaps
left in which to look.


A huge flock of starlings creates a wonderfully complex shape as it lifts into the sky
in this image taken in 2013. Such shapes tell us a lot about how science works.

Jeff Hester is a keynote speaker,
coach, and astrophysicist.
Follow his thoughts at

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