our inner solar system: rocky, iron-rich
material that resembled the cores of
busted-up planets, with only a handful
carrying water. But rocky bodies from dis-
tant asteroid belts aren’t the only things
white dwarfs are consuming.
Outer solar system snack
In early 2017, a team led by Siyi Xu at
UCLA found evidence that white dwarfs
also have been consuming material from
their outer solar systems. Xu has been using
the Keck telescope to survey polluted white
dwarfs, and she had worked with UCLA’s
Michael Jura, whom she refers to as “a
pioneer in this kind of work.” (Jura passed
away in 2016.)
One of the objects, WD 1425+540,
didn’t really stand out from the crowd
except for one notable feature. Although it
is a helium white dwarf (more about this
type of object later), it is rich in hydrogen.
When Xu studied the white dwarf with
Hubble, she also discovered it is surpris-
ingly rich in carbon and nitrogen, material
that is rare close to a star, and that only
shows up at distances equivalent to
Saturn’s position in our solar system.
“Nitrogen is a signpost, or an indicator
for low temperatures,” Zuckerman says.
And where nitrogen exists, can water be
far behind?
The high nitrogen content was a signal
for Xu, now at the European
Southern Observatory, who
said that no other white
dwarf had previously
shown signs of accret-
ing the element. The
high quantity of
nitrogen in com-
parison to other
elements sug-
gested that the
destroyed object
came from even
farther out than
a Saturn-like
orbit, perhaps
from an extrasolar
Kuiper Belt. In our
solar system, the
Kuiper Belt is the home
of comets and dwarf plan-
ets. Whatever WD 1425+540
was snacking on was bigger than a
comet, weighing in at about the same
mass as the Kuiper Belt’s most famous
inhabitant, Pluto.
“We really don’t know the bulk compo-
sition [of Pluto],” Xu says. “You don’t know
it until you smash it up and let us measure
it.” So, the distant white dwarf may have
provided the closest look we’ll get at the
inside of one of the outermost worlds in
our solar system.
But while rocky inner worlds are easily
disrupted after a star swells into a red
giant, falling inward if they aren’t
destroyed outright, it can be challenging
to figure out how a more distant object
gets into the maw of a white dwarf. Xu and
her collaborators suspect that the reason
may be the gravity of WD 1425+540’s
companion, a star that orbits more than
2,200 times as far from the white dwarf as
Earth orbits from the Sun. Fellow
researchers are examining if it’s possible
for slight perturbations from this compan-
ion to move a Kuiper Belt object inward to
its doom.
Exo-Kuiper Belts aren’t new — scientists
spotted them around other stars even
before they knew the Sun had a belt of its
own. But never before have they been able
to peer inside of one.
“Now, for the first time we’re actually
able to measure the elemental and chemical
composition of an object that was once in
an extrasolar Kuiper Belt,” Zuckerman says.
If the Sun’s Kuiper Belt tossed comets
and other objects toward Earth, seeding
it with at least some of the water and
elements necessary for life, then an
exo-Kuiper Belt rich in the same ingredi-
ents provides hope for other systems fol-
lowing a similar track.
The mere fact that such objects rich in
volatiles orbit white dwarfs is encouraging.
“Earth-like worlds, if they exist, might also
have a veneer or surface layer that would
be conducive for the origin of life,”
Zuckerman says.
Hydrogen smorgasbord
While Farihi and Xu stalk individual white
dwarfs for signs of water-rich asteroids
and exo-KBOs, Nicola Gentile Fusillo,
postdoctoral associate at the University of
Warwick, decided to take a step back and
survey hundreds of dead stars, focusing
on a smaller class known as helium white
dwarfs. His findings suggest that water-rich
objects are abundant throughout the galaxy.
Helium white dwarfs make up roughly a
In some ways,
it would be easier to
study the composition of a planet like Earth as
a white dwarf star destroys it than by probing it
from above, as scientists living here now do. NASA
One way to find water nearby is to observe a world ejecting it from geysers. Scientists based this
illustration (not to scale) of plumes coming from Saturn’s moon Enceladus on analysis of data from
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, which passed through the plumes in 2015. The discovery of hydrogen
in the erupting material provides evidence for hydrothermal activity, making the existence of an
underground ocean likely. NASA/JPL-CALTECH