
(Ann) #1

This innovative company isn’t just about optics — the key is its people. text and images by Tony Hallas


laneWave Instruments, a
company that builds and
sells large, high-quality
telescopes, officially
launched in 2006, but its
history is much older.
Years earlier, while working for
Celestron, Joe Haberman and Rick
Hedrick had wanted to build a large tele-
scope. Another employee, David Rowe,
had an idea for a design he called a cor-
rected Dall-Kirkham (CDK). It addressed
the strong off-axis aberrations of the stan-
dard Dall-Kirkham design by introducing
two corrective lenses into the optical path.
Doing so yielded a large, perfectly cor-
rected f lat field ideal for imaging.
Haberman, Hedrick, Rowe, and a
fourth teammate, Jason Fournier, enrolled
in an optics-making course at El Camino
College in Torrance, California. They
then built by hand the first CDK telescope
— one with a massive aperture of 42
inches! Once they had proved the con-
cept, the next step was to see if Celestron
could produce CDK telescopes.
The first one the team built was an
18-inch model, followed shortly thereafter
by a 20-inch. However, building 20-inch
CDK telescopes at Celestron proved
impractical. So Hedrick, a partial owner,
sold his share of Celestron to David Chen
before forming PlaneWave Instruments.
Even today, Celestron and PlaneWave
remain on very good terms, openly shar-
ing technology and ideas.

Aiming for perfection
From the beginning, Hedrick’s goal was
for PlaneWave to make the perfect tele-
scope. Anyone who has tried astrophotog-
raphy can tell you that there are myriad

things that can go wrong. So, to make his
instruments “perfect,” he concentrated on
five important subjects:
1) Stable optics. Today, PlaneWave
offers mirrors made from quartz, a mate-
rial that is much more thermally stable
than the Pyrex mirrors many manufac-
turers use.
2) Large corrected field. The CDK
design allows for a 70-millimeter cor-
rected field — enough to easily cover the
detectors in large cameras.
3) Accurate mounts. PlaneWave
mounts use encoders to create tracking
with virtually zero periodic error. Also,
the company’s sophisticated Point XP
software models the mount in combina-
tion with the telescope and sky.
4) Easy focus. PlaneWave has devel-
oped software for its focusers that tests
the focus of numerous stars in the field of
view and automatically brings the tele-
scope into perfect focus.
5) Fast slewing. Direct-drive motors
(with no gears) on some mounts can slew
very quickly. Users can also program
PlaneWave mounts to follow just about
anything in the sky, like satellites or com-
ets. Additionally, Hedrick made certain
these mounts have none of the flexure
problems of weaker mounts.

The vision
The company’s focus has remained
on Hedrick’s vision — to create high-
end telescopes optimized for astropho-
tography. PlaneWave offers a specific
product line with stable pricing available
to amateurs, educational institutions,
and the scientific community. Even the
company’s enormous 1-meter scope
has a set price. There are no surprises

The story of


PlaneWave uses a high-precision direct-drive
motor in many of its mounts.

A prototype of the company’s new L Mount,
which can support up to a 24-inch telescope.
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