In 1994, the Hubble Space Telescope
found that the jet and emissions result
from a massive gravitational collapse deep
within the galactic core powered by a
gigantic black hole. Amateur telescopes
show the galaxy’s brilliant, not-quite-stellar
nucleus engulfed in a fainter round mist
that fades slowly toward the edge. M87
bears scrutiny with high magnifications,
but backyard scopes are just not enough to
show Curtis’ jet.
M84 and M86, a pair of elliptical
galaxies, are just 1.5° northwest of M87.
Only a third of a degree separates them,
so both easily fit into the same eyepiece
field. At first, they appear very similar,
each sporting a bright central core envel-
oped by dim halos of billions of faint stars.
A closer look shows M84 to be the smaller
and brighter of the pair, while M86 is
slightly oval.
There are also two fainter systems to
their south. Just 11' away is NGC 4387, a
tiny elliptical, while NGC 4388, an edge-
on spiral, is found a little farther south still.
Together, all four galaxies remind me of a
giant intergalactic happy face! M84 and
M86 mark the eyes, while NGC 4387 is the
nose and NGC 4388 the thin mouth. To see
all four, you’ll likely need at least an 8-inch
The Sombrero Galaxy, M104, is 11°
due west of Spica [Alpha (α) Virginis] and
6.5° due south of 5th-magnitude Chi (χ)
Virginis, near an obscure 8th-magnitude
double star. This spectacular galaxy is well
known for its intense central core, broad
spiral-arm rim, and prominent dark lane.
The overall visual effect reminds many of a
Mexican sombrero.
Yes indeed, spring is definitely the season
of the galaxy! Take the next opportunity to
view some of the fine objects outlined here,
but don’t rush. You can also compile your
own list of the season’s finest.
Phil Harrington is a contributing editor
of Astronomy and the author of many books
on observing.
The center of the Virgo
Cluster contains two
elliptical galaxies,
M84 (top left) and
M86 (center), as well
as many other fainter
galaxies. GREG MORGAN
The Sombrero Galaxy
(M104) is a beautiful
edge-on galaxy with
a broad dust lane.
The elliptical supergalaxy
M87 contains 1 trillion
stars and a gigantic black
hole powering its center.