
(Tina Meador) #1


Black hole

hole Black hole

Intermediate-mass black holes
100 to 10,000 solar masses?

Possible black hole in 47 Tucanae:
2,300 MSun

Milky Way’s supermassive
black hole (Sagittarius A*):
4 million MSun

black holes
2 to 100 solar masses

Supermassive black holes
1 million to several billion solar masses

Cygnus X-1: 14.8 M^

Black holes come in many sizes.
How are they categorized, and
how does each class measure up?


MERCURIAL ICE. A review of MESSENGER data indicates there’s enough water ice at Mercury’s poles to cover
the state of Rhode Island.

Like their smaller counterparts, supermassive
black holes weighing in at over 1 million times
the mass of the Sun can exist in binary pairs.
Scientists believe such pairs most commonly form
when galaxies merge — over time, each galaxy’s
supermassive black hole falls to the center of the
resulting larger galaxy, eventually orbiting and
merging with each other. But just how closely
can two gargantuan black holes orbit each other
before they collide?
In September 18’s Nature Astronomy, an
international team of astronomers reported the
discovery of the tightest-ever orbiting supermas-
sive black hole system. Located 400 million light-
years away near the center of the spiral galaxy
NGC 7674, the two black holes are separated by
less than 1 light-year. The previous record holder
has a separation of nearly 25 light-years.
To resolve such a tiny separation from such a
large distance, the team took advantage of a
technique called very-long baseline interferome-
try, which uses multiple radio telescopes net-
worked together to function as one massive
telescope. This provided an angular resolution
about 10 million times better than the human
eye, enough to resolve the two black holes.
The combined mass of the black holes is about
40 million times the mass of the Sun. Though they
are tightly bound, their orbital period is a sluggish
100,000 years, meaning it will be a while yet
before they merge to create a single object. — J.P.

Supermassive black holes

can form tight pairs

Novae occur when a white dwarf, the rem-
nant of a Sun-like star, collects material from
a nearby donor star. The resulting runaway
nuclear reaction causes a powerful explosion
visible from vast distances.
But some novae seem too bright. Now,
astronomers have shown that such explosions
don’t defy the laws of physics, but result from
amplification making them appear brighter.
The findings, published September 4 in Nature
Astronomy, prove a theory developed by Brian
Metzger, an astronomer at Columbia
University and co-author on the paper.
“Astronomers have long thought the
energy from novae was dominated by the

white dwarf, controlling how much light and
energy are emitted,” co-author Laura
Chomiuk of Michigan State University
explained in a press release. “What we discov-
ered, however, was a completely different
source of energy — shock waves that can
dominate the entire explosion.”
“This event shows that shocks are the main
event,” added Metzger.
White dwarfs in binary systems can pull
material from companion stars, and it slowly
builds on the stellar remnant’s surface. Once a
tipping point is reached, a nuclear reaction
begins. A wave of material is ejected from the
white dwarf, with another wave right after it.
The second wave, hotter and faster than the
first, collides with the cooler, slower-moving
material to produce heat and light that boost
the appearance of the nova. “The bigger the
shock, the brighter the nova,” said Chomiuk.
“We believe it’s the speed of the second wave
that influences the explosion.” — A.K.

Shocks boost nova brightness

These black holes form after the death
of a massive star (≥8 M
matter or by merging with other black black holes can grow by accreting nearby Sun). Stellar-mass
holes, causing gravitational waves that
can be seen by the Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO).

Intermediate-mass black holes could
provide a link between stellar-mass and
supermassive black holes, with masses
between 100 and 10,000 M

Sun or more.
No intermediate-mass black holes
have been definitively discovered yet,
but several candidates have been
identified for further study.

Supermassive black holes reside in the centers of galaxies.
They are the engines that power quasars and jets spanning
hundreds of light-years. Astronomers still aren’t sure how
these huge black holes form, but they, too,
can merge and grow when their host
galaxies collide. — A.K.



Located at the center
of galaxy NGC 7674,
these two compact
radio sources are
less than a light-year
apart and correspond
to two accreting
black holes orbiting
TIFR-NCRA AND RIT, USA each other.

during a nova, colored yellow in this artist’s concept,
gives off gamma rays as shock waves travel through it.
Observing optical light and gamma rays from a recent
nova helped astronomers to determine the role shocks
play in a nova’s brightness. BILL SAXTON, NRAO/AUI/NSF
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