Asian Photography – July 2019

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create awareness of the situation
before it is too late?
The critical part that most people do
not realise is that even with one species
of insect going extinct, there could be
dramatic falls in the ecosystems. We
have already seen how the fall in bee
populations have had a widespread
impact on agriculture. We as nature
photographers can make people
understand these delicate links that
are there in nature. This involves us,
ourselves, understanding all of these
intricacies in the first place. Frogs
for example keep a health check on
streams, snails on the soil moisture,
dragonflies on our mosquito outbreaks.
So many stories to be done here.

Many amateur photographers choose
to set up their macro shots by using
black cloths, big leaves to block
sunlight and so on. Is there an ethical
dilemma on doing the same? Should
macro shots be untouched, as nature
wants them to be, or certain amount

of post-processing and manipulation
during shooting is acceptable?
The number one rule in nature

photography has always been that you
must never hurt the subjects you are
photographing and never disturb the
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